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Becquerel discovered the natural radioactivity of uranium in 1896.

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Q: Explain what Becquerel found out about uranium?
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What did Becquerel discovered from uranium?

He found that uranium is radioactive. Uranium is in the f block. Atomic number of it is 92.

What did becquerel realize when working with uranium?

Becquerel observed accidentally that uranium emit radiations that strongly impress a photographic plate.

What did Henri Becquerel discover while studying a material that contained uranium?

Henri Becquerel discovered in 1896 the natural radioactivity of uranium.

If you were Becquerel what are some possible tests that you can do to identify the radiations emitted by the uranium salt?

Becquerel in 1896 hadn't the possibility to identify the radiations emitted from uranium.

What did Becquerel hypothesize?

that uranium can spontaneously give off energy

If you were Becquerel what are some possible tests that you can do to identify the radiation emitted by uranium salt?

In the time of Becquerel only the photographic plate.

Who discover the radioisotopes?

Becquerel in 1896 discovered that uranium emit radiations.

Why did Henri becquerel win the nobel prize?

Henri Becquerel was the first to discover that a penetrating radiation came from uranium, even if the uranium had not been exposed to sunlight. He thus showed that radioactivity was a fundamental property of uranium. Prior to his discovery, it was thought that any such radiation coming from uranium was the result of its interaction with sunlight.

What were the contributions of Henri Becquerel?

Antoine Henri Becquerel contributed to the discovery of radioactivity. He was a physicist, working with Marie and Pierre Curie when they discovered uranium.

What is the name of the man who discover that the uranium was giving off radioactivity?

Uranium's radioactive properties were discovered in 1896 by Antoine Becquerel.

WHO DISCOVered radioactivity in 1896?

Radioactivity was discovered in 1896 by Henri Becquerel, a French scientist, while testing phosphorescent materials with photographic plates. He discovered that, when the plates were covered with black paper, that phosphorescent materials did not affect the plates until he used uranium salts.

Did Henri becquerel discover radium and polonium?

Henri Becquerel discovered the radioactivity of uranium in 1896. Polonium and radium were discovered in 1898 by Marie and Pierre Curie.