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usually the pitch of the sound the frequency of the sound affect the loudness but as we say loud we mean how high the sound. In other terms when somebody shouts and we get irritated we would say "Not so loud" that means we refer to the person who is speaking loudly. this is known as the factors that affect sound

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Q: Explain what factors affect the loudness of a sound?
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Factors that affect loudness?

Loudness is affected by sound pressure, frequency and its bandwidth, and duration (time). Loudness is a subjective measure, which is often confused with objective measurements of sound pressure in decibels with a sound level meter. A-weighting filters attempt to adjust sound measurements to correspond to loudness as perceived by an average human; however, loudness varies from person to person and cannot be really measured.

Why does moving away from a radio affect the loudness you hear?

because sound waves spread out, intensity decreases with distance from the source.

What is the meaning of measurement of loudness?

Units used to measure loudness are Sone (loudness N) and Phon (loudness level L). Scroll down to related links and look at "Loudness - Wikipedia" and "Sound level change and the change of the respective factor of volume and loudness"

Is loud an abstract noun?

The word 'loud' is not a noun, it is an adjective used to describe a noun as a sound that is strong or intense; a vulgarly obtrusive or flashy appearance.The noun form for the adjective loud is loudness, a concrete noun; a word for the decibel level of sound, a physical characteristic.

What is the exact meaning of noiseness?

noiseness is the degree of human rejection of a sound in its own. It is, therefore, an isolated sound. For many reasons this condition is usually achieved only in a lab. Like loudness, noiseness is best assessed by psychoacoustical experimentation. Another name for noiseness is perceived noiseness. Luiz Fernando Otero Cysne Brazil

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What two things affect loudness?

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Factors that affect loudness?

Loudness is affected by sound pressure, frequency and its bandwidth, and duration (time). Loudness is a subjective measure, which is often confused with objective measurements of sound pressure in decibels with a sound level meter. A-weighting filters attempt to adjust sound measurements to correspond to loudness as perceived by an average human; however, loudness varies from person to person and cannot be really measured.

What two factors dos loudness depend on?

The loudness of a sound depends on the amplitude of the sound waves, which is related to the intensity or power of the sound source. It also depends on the distance between the sound source and the listener, as sound waves lose intensity as they travel through space.

How does amplitude affect the loudness of a sound?

it is how loud the sound is ^Smartass comment. The real answer: Loudness is determined by the intensity of sound waves.

Explain the factors that affect the speed of sound?

The speed of sound is influenced by the medium it is traveling through. It increases in denser mediums such as solids and liquids, and decreases in less dense mediums like gases. Temperature also plays a role, as sound travels faster in warmer air and slower in colder air. Additionally, humidity can affect the speed of sound, with higher humidity levels typically resulting in a slightly faster speed.

What are the factors affecting characteristics of sound?

loudness,pitch,quality (OR)timber

Does temperature affect loudness?

Temperature can indirectly affect loudness by changing the speed of sound in the air. As temperature increases, the speed of sound also increases, which can affect the way sound waves travel and how we perceive loudness. However, the direct impact of temperature on loudness perception is minimal compared to other factors like distance from the sound source.

What factors determines the loudness of sound?

Frequency of the sound wave ?Amplitude of the sound wave ?The temperature of the medium ?The density of the medium ?

How does the speed of a car affect the loudness of the sound it produces?

As a car speeds up, the engine works harder to propel the vehicle, generating more exhaust and engine noise. This can result in the sound of the car becoming louder as the speed increases. Additionally, air turbulence around the moving vehicle can also contribute to increased noise levels.

What factors effect the loudness of sound?

Loudness effects the following factors 1.frequency 2. Amplitude 3. Distance of listener. 4 direction of wind thanks for watching by farida rehman ........

How does amplitude affect sound?

Amplitude decides the intensity (loudness) of the sound. Intensity is directly proportional to the square of the amplitude of vibration.