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as the seed begins to grow the cotyledons shrivel up and drop off. by this point the stored food in the cotyledon is used up and the leaves can carry on photosynthesis

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Q: Explain what happens to the cotyledons of a seed as the seed begins to grow?
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What is a coltyledon?

Angiosperm seeds have eather one or two seed leaves called cotyledons. Cotyledons contain stored food that is used when a seed graminates, or begins to grow. Monocots, such as corn, have one cotledon. Dicots, suchs as bean, have two.

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Cotyledons help the plants to germinate by shooting out leaf or leaves in order to collect sun light which the plant uses to grow.

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No. Cotyledons provide food for the new seedling. The cotyledons serve as centers of absorption and storage, drawing nutritive material from the endosperm. They also serve as the first photosynthesizing leaves.

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Epigeal germination is when the cotyledons emerge above the soil surface during seed germination. Hypogeal germination is when the cotyledons remain below the soil surface during seed germination.

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Is papaya is monocot?

Papaya tree is a dicot belonging to the Caricaceae family. The basic difference between a monocot and a dicot is based on the number of cotyledons present in the embryo. A dicot has two cotyledons whereas a monocot has one cotyledon. The cotyledons are seed leaves produced by the embryo. They absorb the nutrients present in the seed until the seedling is able to grow new leaves and begin photosynthesis.

When do you put your bean plant in soil after putting it in a jar to grow a little for a science project?

Probably around the time its two cotyledons are shriveling up.

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