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All metals react with other elements by losing their outermost electrons in their atoms forming 'positive ions'. So the ease with which they can lose these electrons gives us an indication of how reactive they are.

Aluminium, as an example has three electrons in the outer orbits of each aluminum atom, and so three have to be lost for the aluminum to react. Calcium, a more reactive metal has only 2 electrons in the outermost orbits of its atoms, and so these are more easily lost, making calcium more reactive.

However all group 1 elements (Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Caesium, Francium) all have just one electron in the outermost orbits of their atoms, and so they are the most reactive of all metals as this one electron is very easily lost.

More than this, the reactivity gets stronger as the atoms get larger (as you proceed down the group) because the outermost electron is further away from the nucleus and is therefore less strongly bound to the atom than the outermost electron in smaller atoms like lithium as the electron is closer to the nucleus and more tightly bonded to the rest of the atom.

This means that Lithium is the least reactive of the Group 1 elements and Francium the most reactive. Francium is radioactive and does not exist in large quantities, so practically caesium is the most reactive. Lithium, when placed on the surface of some water fizzes vigorously. However, caesium, when placed in a glass trough of water explodes violently, with enough force to shatter the trough and possibly damage greatly the surrounding area too.

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12y ago
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13y ago

It is in group 17 that you will find the most reactive elements. These elements all lack only one electron from having that "magic" electron configuration of the inert gases. That makes these elements very "hungry" to get that "last electron" so their electron structures become more stable.

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13y ago

All metals are highly reactive because of their properties. As you move left on a period while moving down you move close to Francium (most-metallic).

Since group 1 is the most farthest left group, it is the most metallic, therefore the most reactive.

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11y ago

Group 17, known as the halogens, are the most reactive group of non-metals because they have 7 valence electrons. This is very close to 8, so in order for those elements to achieve the same electron configuration as a noble gas (which is what they want) they only have to gain 1 electron. Chemically speaking, this is pretty easy to do, so this characteristic makes them very reactive. The halogens include the common elements fluorine (F) and chlorine (Cl), and the somewhat less common bromine (Br) and iodine (I). Astatine (At) doesn't really count.

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15y ago

Group 17 isn't a metal group it is the Halogen group :) The most reactive metal group is the Alkali metals, which is group 1

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12y ago

They only have to give away 1 electron to become stable.

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11y ago

It is most likely answered in your Chemistry textbook. :).

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Q: Why is most reactive nonmetal are found in group 17?
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