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Hemophilia is a dominant gene mutation in the X chromosome.

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4d ago

A woman carrying a gene for hemophilia can produce hemophilic sons because hemophilia is a recessive genetic disorder located on the X chromosome. Females have two X chromosomes, so if one carries the hemophilia gene and the other is normal, she is a carrier. When she mates with a normal male who carries a Y chromosome, there is a 25% chance that she will pass on the X chromosome with the hemophilia gene to her son, resulting in him being hemophilic.

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Q: Explain why a woman carrying a gene for hemophlia can produce hemophilic sons when she is mated with a normal male?
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What type of cells do humans need to produce in large quantities on a daily basis?

Humans need to produce red blood cells in large quantities on a daily basis. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen throughout the body to ensure the proper functioning of tissues and organs.

Explain how mutagens can cause genetic mutations in spite of your body's DNA repair enzymes?

Mutagens cause a change in DNA and by this way they can produce mutant DNA repair enzymes.

Define and explain sugar fermentation?

Sugar fermentation is a metabolic process where sugar molecules are broken down by microorganisms such as yeast or bacteria in the absence of oxygen to produce energy. This process typically results in the formation of alcohol and carbon dioxide as byproducts. Sugar fermentation is commonly used in food production, such as in the making of bread, beer, and wine.

How can you explain the observation that traits such as skin color are fairly consistent within a racial group but alleles for skin are not consistent?

skin color is influenced by many genes so several different gene pools can produce the same skin color

Why is it believed that the father determines the sex of his children?

The sex of a child is determined by the male's sperm carrying either an X or Y chromosome, which combines with the female's X chromosome. This belief stems from the understanding of biological processes of fertilization, where the sperm carrying a Y chromosome will result in a male child, while the sperm carrying an X chromosome will result in a female child.

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