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because some molecules are bigger then othersand won't diffuse into the cell... hope that helps

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Becuase some molecules are too big to pass through.

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Simple diffusion

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Q: Explain why some substances were able to pass through the membrane while others were not able to?
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What is the cell membrane which means that some substances can pass through it while others can't?

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A membrane that does not allow substances through is impermeable. One that allows some substances, but not others, is semipermeable or selectively permeable.

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The plasma membrane acts as a selective barrier that regulates the passage of substances in and out of the cell. It helps maintain the internal balance by controlling the movement of essential molecules such as nutrients and ions into the cell, while keeping waste products and harmful substances out. This selective permeability ensures that the cell maintains the right concentrations of different molecules for proper functioning.

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What does it mean for a cell membrane to be selectively permeable?

it allows some substances to pass through but blocks the passage of others.

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The phospholipid bi-layer.

Does it mean for a cell membrane to be selectively permeable?

it allows some substances to pass through but blocks the passage of others.

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One of the characteristics of a cell membrane is that it is semi-permeable. As such, it is able to limit what can get into and out of the cell.