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It is the foundation of American society and the main change from the history of nations before it. The people get to decide how their country is run not Kings and Queens or dictators.

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11y ago

The right to vote is so important because it's basically your say in what occurs in the government.

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Why is it so important that Aboriginal people get the right to vote?

Because they are native Australians who should get just as much right to vote as the others.

Why is right of suffrage an important element to democracy?

thr right if sufferage is the right to vote. it is important because as the bill of rights states we have a right to a free election so we can vote for who we want it the different offices

Why did women feel that the right to vote was so important for their futures?

they could vote for candidates who supported the changes they wanted

Why were women rights so important?

The right to vote was important to women because it confirmed their position in society as human beings equal to men. Also, the right to vote would allow women to have influence over issues affecting their lives.

What is the most important right does a American citizen have?

AnswerThe right to vote

What is a citizen's most important right and duty?

The right to vote.

What did Emily Murphy do that was so important?

She changed the world and she gave women the right to vote Camilla R.

Why is it important for people to have the right to vote?

Because the are human and should be able to vote.

Why is it important to exercise your freedom to vote for the next presidents of the u.s.?

It is important, because you will lose you`r right to vote

Why is it important for Aborginal people to have the right to vote?

Because the are human and should be able to vote.

When did the women of Thailand get the right to vote?

Not all women in the world have the right to vote and express their views on important matters. Women in Thailand got the right to vote in 1932. Many exercise this right in elections.

Why is it important to vote?

It's important to vote because we have the right to vote. You should also vote because if you want someone to win an election you might be the deciding vote. If the people who did vote for George W .Bush didn't go and vote for him he might not have become president. That's why it is important to vote. Also if you are 18 or above you are encouraged to go vote.