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four major computer

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4mo ago
  1. Von Neumann architecture: This type of architecture has a single memory for data and instructions, and uses a single bus for communication. The CPU transparently fetches instructions and processes data in a sequential manner.
  2. Harvard architecture: Harvard architecture uses separate memory spaces for instructions and data, allowing simultaneous access to both. This type of architecture improves performance as it can fetch instructions and data simultaneously.
  3. RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing): RISC architecture uses a small set of simple instructions that can be executed in a single clock cycle, resulting in faster processing speed. It focuses on simplicity and efficiency in instruction execution.
  4. CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computing): CISC architecture utilizes complex instructions that can perform multiple operations, aiming to reduce the number of instructions executed. This architecture is designed to support a wide range of operations in a single instruction.
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