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Q: FAQhow long can I use a bottle of saline nasal spray?
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What are the advantages of using a saline nasal spray?

The advantages of using a saline nasal spray are that it is more natural than a chemical based spray. A saline nasal spray works to clear out the nasal passages and provide quicker and long lasting relief.

Can you get addicted to using saline nasal spray?

For some people, yes.

Can you use human saline on animals?

Kind Of. You can use saline nasal spray to relieve dryness and nasal congestion associated with kittens, cats, puppies and dogs.

Random nose bleeding?

Dry air, invest in humidifier and saline nasal spray

What does nasal spray do to your capillaries?

It entirely depends on what is in the nasal spray. If it is saline spray, then it doesn't really do anything to the capillaries per se. If it is a decongestant then it causes constriction of the capillaries (which will tend to open up the nasal airway). If it is H1N1 influenza spray, then it uses your capillaries to deliver virus to the rest of your body.

Does the swine flu nasal spray hurt?

No it does not hurt. It is not much different than using a saline or nasal spray. The sensation is about the same, it can have some slight burning, but nothing that one would call "hurt" or "pain".

Do nose bleeds have anything to do with having a cold or flu?

it can. If your sick sometimes your nasal passages get to dry, and that can cause them to bleed. Use saline nasal spray and see if it improves.

How do you unclog one side of your sinuses so you can breathe?

You can do a saline nasal wash (Google for directions), or just use a saline nasal spray. It helps a lot and you can use the nasal spray often, as it's not harmful. Use your thumb to put pressure on your face just below your eyes. Press as hard as you can stand too. You will feel tingling and it will hurt some. Hold it as long as you can, then when you let go, your nose should unclog.

Can nasal spray effect a breathalyzer?

No, nasal spray isn't alchol

What is nasal insulin?

Nasal insulin is insulin given by nasal spray (spray into the nose) instead of by injection.

Why does my nose burn after I use nasal spray?

Do you use it a lot? Or have you used it for more then 3 days? If you have it's probably because the lining in your nose is irritated by the over use. I would suggest taking a break from it, even if you haven't over used it. Try Saline nasal spray, it should help. I would try 4-Way Saline nasal spray, expessially If you have been over using, it really helps for the over use of decongestant sprays. However, if you haven't been using it for more then 3 days or using it too often, I would ask your doctor, and either way, lay off the nasal spray, it may be really damaging your nose.

What are some homemade allergy remedies?

You can use a saline nasal spray. It is just a little bit of warm water that you use, it is supposed to help rinse out the irritating pollen.