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The digestive system of fish is similar to the digestive tract of other animals. Carnivorous fish have short digestive tracts when compared to herbivorous fish. The stomach and intestines contain submucosal eosinophilic granular cells. The function of these cells is unknown. Some species of fish (Salmonids) have pyloric ceca, which are occasionally confused with parasites. These ceca secrete the digestive enzymes required to digest some food. Fish without the pyloric ceca have digestive enzyme production in the liver and pancreas. It is not possible to divide the intestine into large and small intestine.

The liver does not have the typical lobular architecture that is present in mammals. In many species of fish there are areas of exocrine pancreas (hepatopancreas) that are present near the small veins off the hepatic portal vein.

The pancreas is scattered in the mesentery, primarily near the pylorus.
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Q: Factors affecting the digestive system in fish?
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