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Q: Why is family important to the socialization process?
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What is the most important agent of socialization?

Family is often considered the most important agent of socialization, as it is where individuals first learn social norms, values, and behaviors. Family plays a crucial role in shaping a person's identity, beliefs, and attitudes, providing a foundation for how they interact with society.

Which is the earliest and one of the most significant agents in the political socialization process?

The earliest and one of the most significant agents in the political socialization process is the family. Since time immemorial, families have always existed.

What is family socialization?

Family socialization refers to the process through which family members transmit values, beliefs, norms, and behaviors to one another, helping individuals learn and adapt to societal expectations. It plays a crucial role in shaping a person's identity, social skills, and overall development. Family socialization is important for teaching children about relationships, roles, and responsibilities within the family unit and society at large.

Earliest and one of the most significant agency the political socialization process?


Social institutions are blank of the socialization process?

Social institutions are an instrument of the socialization process. Socialization has many mediums and tools ranging from the family, education and citizen integration into society. Social institutions are instruments in fostering these processes.

What is the role of family in socialisation process?

Family plays a crucial role in the socialization process by providing the first and most influential environment for learning social norms, values, and behaviors. Through interactions within the family, individuals learn how to communicate, form relationships, and navigate social expectations. Families also help shape individuals' identity, beliefs, and attitudes towards society.

The first and most important agent of socialization for young children is?

The family is often considered the first and most important agent of socialization for young children. Family members play a critical role in shaping a child's beliefs, values, and behaviors through interactions and modeling of social norms.

What is the factor that influence socialization process?

socialization process friends influence

What are some of the most important influences in political socialization?

family, media, and education

Why isn't the family no longer the most important agent of socialization?

The family is still a significant agent of socialization, but its influence has been reduced due to factors like increased exposure to media, globalization, and the rise of technology. As society changes, other institutions such as schools, peers, and the media also play significant roles in shaping individuals' beliefs and behaviors.

Social institutions are the what of the socialization process?

Social institutions are the structures and systems that play a key role in the socialization process by shaping individuals' attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. These institutions include family, education, religion, media, and government, among others. They provide the norms, values, and guidelines that help individuals learn to function effectively in society.

What is the difference between socialisation process carried out by family and school?

family is the primary agency of socialization and it plays a key role in the process of socialization for it is the place in which the child acquires everything. however, it is not formal for he is not forced to do anything. he behaves as he wishes on the contrary the school is formal for he has to be under certain restrictions. he can either be rewarded or not. his performance helps to proceeds ahead. achievement is an important phenomenon for every student learns for his achievement.