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#1 is Dr. Phil

#2 is montel

#3 is a greek philosopher aristotle and that is all i know

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1mo ago
  1. Sigmund Freud: Known for developing psychoanalysis, a theory of the human mind and its functioning.
  2. B.F. Skinner: Pioneered operant conditioning as a form of behaviorism, focusing on how behavior is shaped by consequences.
  3. Carl Rogers: Established person-centered therapy, emphasizing empathy and unconditional positive regard in the therapeutic process.
  4. Jean Piaget: Formulated the theory of cognitive development, outlining the stages through which children acquire knowledge.
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who's 10 famous psychologist?

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Q: Famous psychologists and their major contributions?
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Who are some famous Hispanic female psychologists?

Some famous Hispanic female psychologists include Ana Figueroa, Yvonne M. Luna, and Oliva M. Espin. These women have made significant contributions to the field of psychology through their research, writings, and advocacy.

Who is the famous psychologist?

One famous psychologist is Sigmund Freud, known for his work in psychoanalysis and development of theories on the unconscious mind. Another well-known psychologist is Carl Jung, who is recognized for his contributions to analytical psychology and concepts such as the collective unconscious.

Who are the contributors of psychology and what are their invention?

Some of the major contributors to psychology include Sigmund Freud, known for his work on psychoanalysis; B.F. Skinner, who developed the theory of behaviorism; and Carl Rogers, who was influential in the development of humanistic psychology. Each of these psychologists made significant contributions to the field through their theories and research on human behavior and mental processes.

Who are some famous filipino psychologists and their contributions?

Virgilio Enriquez is known for developing Sikolohiyang Pilipino, a Filipino psychology that applies indigenous Filipino concepts to modern psychology. Melba Padilla Maggay is a noted psychologist who has focused on the applications of psychology in Philippine culture. Likewise, Alfredo Lagmay is recognized for his research on cultural psychology and developmental psychology in the Philippines.

Should psychologists go through psychoanalysis?

It is not a requirement for psychologists to undergo psychoanalysis. Some psychologists may choose to engage in therapy as part of their professional development or personal growth, but it is not necessary for all psychologists.

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Who are some famous people who have made major contributions to society?

Florence Nightingale

Who are some famous Hispanic female psychologists?

Some famous Hispanic female psychologists include Ana Figueroa, Yvonne M. Luna, and Oliva M. Espin. These women have made significant contributions to the field of psychology through their research, writings, and advocacy.

What major issues confront psychologists conducting research?

Psychologists have to wrestle with ethics when they conduct active research.

Who are some famous people or people who have made major contributions to society?

i would say obama because he was the the firstafrican american president

Who is a famous psychologist?

Sigmund Freud is one of the most famous and influential psychologists. Other famous psychologists include Jean Piaget, B.F. Skinner, Erik Erikson, and Ivan Pavlov. They have each contributed greatly to the field.

Who are some famous hispanic psychologists?

Dr.Carlos albizu-Miranda

What major contributions did the Aztecs have?

it is medicine

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What are the two british contributions to India?

The major contributions are * India as a single nation and * English

Who is the famous psychologist?

One famous psychologist is Sigmund Freud, known for his work in psychoanalysis and development of theories on the unconscious mind. Another well-known psychologist is Carl Jung, who is recognized for his contributions to analytical psychology and concepts such as the collective unconscious.

What where Francois Viete's contributions to mathematics?

One of his major contributions was his innovated treatment of algebraic expressions.

What is one of the major reasons that psychologists use operational definitions?

So that the effects can be measured !