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Because the Earth's crust is composed of not one solid layer like a shell, but many pieces, like in a puzzle. These plates are floating on layer of magma. So at these fault lines it is easier for lava to get through the crust and cause volcanoes and such.... yeah

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Q: Fault zones form at plate boundaries because?
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Related questions

What types of boundaries do subduction zones form?

This forms on the plate tectonic boundaries.... particularly the convergent plate boundries.

Subduction zones are found near what kind of boundaries?

Convergent plate boundaries, usually oceanic plate to continental plate.

What boundary do subduction zones form on?

Subduction zones form along some tectonic plate boundaries. Of the three general types of tectonic plate boundaries, we will see them form at some (but not all) of what are called convergent plate boundaries.

What is another name for subduction zones?

Convergent plate boundariesDestructive plate boundaries

Identify three tectonic settings where volcanoes commonly occur?

hot spots, divergent plate boundaries, and convergent plate boundaries.

What plate boundaries experience the deepest earthquakes?

Subduction zones have the deepest earthquakes.

How are earthquakes distributed on the map Are they scattered evenly or concentrated in zones?

They are concentrated in zones - specifically at or near tectonic plate boundaries.

Are earths active volcanoes scattered randomly?

Volcanoes are formed by tetonic plates pushing together. Therefore they often form in lines. Such as the Himalyers and the alpes.

Where is Ocean crust being destroyed?

At subduction zones along convergent plate boundaries.

What pattern do you see among plates boundaries earthquakes and volcanoes?

most earthquakes occur at the plate boundaries because the plate boundaries are the weakest zones and earthquakes are likely to occur there . you can also take help from science ncert of 8 class.

What kind of plate boundary forms sea trenches?

Ocean trenches are associated with subduction zones, which are convergent plate boundaries.

At what type of boundaries do subduction zones form?

In plate tectonics, when two tectonic plates move toward each other, it results in the formation of what is called a convergent plate boundary. The two plates are said to converge. One plate may be more dense than the other, and with the two plates pushing against each other, the plate that is more dense will "slide under" the other plate. The plate sliding under is said to subduct the other plate, and this creates what is called a subduction zone. Not all convergent plate boundaries have subduction zones, but all subduction zones are formed at convergent plate boundaries.