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Q: Federal tax legislation generally originates in what body?
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What type of bill originates from the House of Representatives?

All monetary legislation must begin in the House, because it is the most represented body of the US government.

What is the name for a disease that originates in the body?

Maybe you refer to an autoimmune disease. But even if germs enter the body, the disease originates in the body.

Does a exogenous disease originates outside the body?


Where in the body does anxiety occur?

Anxiety originates in the brain.

What is an adjective describing cholesterol which originates outside the body?


Who has the power raise money by taxing citizens?

Any legislative body of elected officials, local, state or federal, may draft legislation affecting tax laws and revenue raising.

What is our main artery in body?

The main artery in the human body is the aorta. It is the largest in the body and originates from the left ventricle of the heart.

What in the main artery in our body?

The main artery in the human body is the aorta. It is the largest in the body and originates from the left ventricle of the heart.

What is the difference between legislation and policy?

Legislation refers to laws which serve to legally prohibit certain actions and ensure others are carried out. Policies are like a plan of action which guide towards making sure legislation is complied with.

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What disease originates outside the body?

i dont give two flap jacks

An adjective describing cholesterol which originates outside the body from foods?

Exogenous is cholesterol from outside the body (from foods). whereas endogenous is cholesterol that is made in the body.