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Pain or discomfort behind the left breast could be due to a variety of reasons such as muscle strain, acid reflux, or even anxiety. It's important to monitor the symptoms and see a healthcare provider if they persist or worsen. They can provide a proper diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.

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Q: Feels like a stitch behind the left breast?
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Inserting the right needle into the stitch on the left one, and transferring the stitch from the left needle to the right one.

What is Knitting into front and back of next stitch?

Knitting in the back is usually done to create a twist in the stitch. This is often called for when picking up heel stitches while knitting a sock. For comparison, A regular knit stitch is usually done like this: Put right-hand needle through the right-most stitch on the left needle, wrap yarn over right-hand needle, pull stitch through, and pull loop off the left-hand needle A knit stitch through the back is done like this: Put right-hand needle through the right-most stitch on the left needle on the back side of the needle (from the right, but catch the back side of the loop on the side of the needle that you can't see) , wrap yarn over right-hand needle, pull stitch through, and pull loop off the left-hand needle

What does Knit into front and back of each stitch mean?

you are basically doing an increase, creating two new stitches from one old one. Start your knit stitch by inserting your needle right to left and out the front of the stitch, wrap your yarn and bring your right needle back out with the new stitch on it, but don't drop the stitch on the left needle yet. now insert the right needle into the back of the stitch from left to right, wrap the yarn and now you may drop the stitch from the left needle.

What is wrong if for the past 2 years you have had a painless lump behind your left ear and have low wbc and 6 months ago a lump in left breast?

As you know you have a low wbc count you must have been to the doctor. what did he/she say? I have had a lump behind my ear for years and it is nothing, but when I had a lump in my breast I was at the doctor within 3 days. 90% of breast lumps are innocent, but you should still go to the doctor.

How do I pass slipped stitch over?

Insert your left needle tip into the stitch to be slipped, and pull it over the last stitch made and off the tip of the right needle

What causes fluttering in left breast?

what is the fluttering under my left breast

What are some Disney catch phrases?

ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind- lilo and stitch hakuna matata- the lion king