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Q: Fibrillation instead of pumping strongly the heart muscle quivers ineffectively?
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What is the firillation instead of pumping strongly the heart muscle quivers ineffectively?


What is the reason for SCD?

Sudden cardiac death is usually caused by ventricular fibrillation (the lower chamber of the heart quivers instead of pumping in an organized rhythm).

Is tachycardia and fibrillation are the same?

No, tachycardia is merely a fast heart rate and depending on the age will determine this. Fibrillation is the left ventricle fibrillating or twitching and not really pumping at all and this is life threatening whereas, tachycardia is not.

Is atrial fibrillation worse that ventricular fibrillation?

No, ventricular fibrillation is worse than atrial fibrillation. This is because the ventricle is the chamber responsible for the main force pumping the blood out of the heart. If this contraction is not coordinated (like when fibrillation occurs), then the heart will not be able to function and consciousness will be lost within a few seconds. Ventricular fibrillation may result from electric shock, major myocardial infarct or some anaesthetic drugs. Resuscitation is usually possible by applying an electric shock (defibrillation) - which causes all cells to enter the refractory period and gives the sinoatrial node a chance to resume its normal pacemaker activity.

What are some of the negative health effects that atrial fibrillation can have on ones' body?

Some negative side or health effects that atrial fibrillation can have on ones body are stroke because your heart beats faster and irregularly Your heart stops pumping blood to your brain and thus causes a stroke.

How do they do a echo test?

An echocardiogram shows how well your heart is pumping. As a muscle, all parts of the heart must contract and relax in a sequence. With certain heart problems, part of the heart might contract ineffectively or not at all. The echocardiogram gives important diagnostic information.

What is AED's?

It stands for Automated External Defibrillator. This is a medical device that monitors a person's heartbeat. If the heart is beating in the wrong way (fibrillation) it is not pumping blood. The AED detects that, and send an electrical shock through a wire connected to the patient to change the heartbeat.

Which is more dangerous atrial fibrillation or ventricular fibrillation?

Ventricular fibrillation. Basically the patient is dead. Atrial fibrillation causes an irregular heartbeat because the ventricles are receiving disorganized impulses from the SA node. Ventricular fibrillation is where the SA node and the AV node are not firing and the Purkinje fibers are supplying the electrical impulses to the heart. However, the Purkinje fibers are not able to supply enough electricity to contract the ventricles so the heart is twitching but not beating. A heart that is not beating is not circulating blood which means the patient is dead.

Does afib cause tiredness?

Yes - as during atrial fibrillation the heart is not pumping what it should, this results in a drop in o2 being delivered to the brain that can cause a feeling of being extremely tired. Some people, remarkably, live with this and adjust to it.

What is the pumping organ?

the heart is our pumping organ

What does low voltage frontal leads mean in an EKG?

more than likely misplacement of the electrodes, but low voltage could also indicate a small heart or perhaps a heart that isn't pumping very strongly.

How blood circulation can stop?

As long as it is being pumped, blood will circulate - unless obstructed in the arteries and veins. This means stopping blood circulation requires stopping the heart (such as happens when you die or otherwise go into cardiac arrest) or introducing a major clot to block the blood flow. Circulation also can stop if the heart goes into fibrillation - rapid, irregular, and unsynchronized contraction of the heart muscle fibers. The heart just kind of quivers instead of pumping blood. Probably blood circulation would also stop if you bled so much that there was no blood left to circulate - but at that point the heart would probably stop pumping to so it still goes back to stopping the heart.