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If you mix a dye with a colourless solvent (e.g. alcohol) and place a drip of it in the centre of a round piece of filter paper, the different dyes will "run" at different speeds and for different distances. You will be left with a series of concentric circles which are of different colours.

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6d ago

Filter paper is a porous material that is commonly used in laboratories to separate solid particles from a liquid mixture through the process of filtration. It works by allowing the liquid to pass through while trapping the solid particles, resulting in the separation of substances based on their sizes.

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You can use filtration to separate them. First, you pour the water with the seeds through a filter funnel which is lined with filter paper. Then the filter paper will trap the insoluble substance (the barley seeds). the water will then pass through the filter paper and collected in a beaker as the filtrate.

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Differences between ordinary paper and filter paper?

Filter paper is designed to have a fine porous structure that allows it to efficiently trap particles while allowing liquids to pass through. Ordinary paper, on the other hand, is not specifically designed for filtration and may not have the same porosity or durability. Filter paper is commonly used in laboratories for separating solids from liquids, while ordinary paper is used for writing and printing.

What is the use of filter paper?

Filtering paper id used to separate precipitates or other insoluble impurities from solutions.

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You can use the filter paper or chromatography paper to separate the different components in black ink.

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