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Q: What is the porous substance used to separate the chemicals in inks?
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Related questions

Is ink substance or mixture?

Inks are generally mixtures.

Are there poisonous chemicals in newspaper colour photos?

Newspaper color photos typically use soy-based or vegetable-based inks that are safe and non-toxic. These inks are considered safe for general use and are not known to contain poisonous chemicals.

Do you use chemicals in digital photography?

Sort of, but digital photography does not use chemicals. Images are printed using printers and the inks are chemical compounds, but there are no developing chemicals used.

What are the synthetic organic chemicals?

Examples: polymers as nylon, teflon, PET; synthetic lubricants; pharmaceuticals; dyes; inks.

Is there separate inks for each cartridges?

There are separate cartridges for inkjets. The most common colours being, cyan, magenta, and yellow. In some printers, a separate black cartridge is included for economy.

What colours could have no effect in the process of chromatography?

This question is not very precise, but I assume you mean which colours will not be separated by chromatography. It is not a property of the colour, but of the substance you are trying to split up. Chromatography only works if the substance is soluble in the liquid you are using to run the chromatogram. Thus some black fountain pen inks separate in water, but the ink from a ball point pen usually does not.

What is the name of the method used to separate dyes?

Chromatography is the method used to separate a mixture of dyes or inks.

Which type of ink would come out best when developing photos in a darkroom ?

Photo developing does not require any inks. The colors and images which appear on developed photo are due to light sensitive chemicals on the negative. The developer chemicals produced by Kodak .

When and how was inks lake formed?

By Inks Dam in 1936

How do different color inks separate?

It depends wich colour ink you'll get. If you have black for example, it is made up from red, green, blue and yellow inks. Because there is so many colours they can't reflect through White so you end up with black.

What is non toxic inks?

Non toxic inks are inks that are not toxic if you happen to ingest them by mistake. This is especially important for children. Most nontoxic inks are made of vegetable dyes.

What is the role of spectrophotermeter in inks analysis?

The composition of inks is determined.