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G2 because cell division happens during the M phase.

the order is G1, S, G2, M phase.

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Q: Final preparation for cell division are made during the life cycle subphase called?
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Is the Final preparation for cell division is made during the cell life cycle subphase called G2.?


The period of cell growth prior to division is called?

The interphase is the phase during which the dividing cell spends most of its time. This is when the cell grows in preparation for cell division.

What does the cell do during G2?

during G2 of interphase there is cell growth and preparation for cell division, the cell does its job during G2

What event occurs during late interphase in preparation for mitosis?

During late interphase, the cell undergoes DNA replication in preparation for mitosis. This leads to the duplication of the cell's genetic material in the form of sister chromatids, ensuring that each daughter cell will receive a complete set of chromosomes during cell division.

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What is the div ision of the cytoplasm called?

division of cytoplasm during cell division is known as cytokinesis.

During which phase of cell reproduction does cell growth occur?

interphase- in preparation for cell division it increases its size. (cell growth occurs)

What phase does preparation for cell division occur?

during interphase the cells prepare for the divsion and the DNA replicates and chromosomes form

What happens to DNA during the S stage of interphase?

interphase is oneof the longest phases of mitosis. during interphase the DNA replicates

What is a period of nuclear division in a cell called?

The division of nucleus and its parts during cell division is called Cytokinesis.Firstly, during Prophase the nucleus membrane starts disappearing and then after(Metaphase,Anaphase)it, in Telophase it again appears when the daughter cells are almost forming. Here the division of nucleus ends an then the division of cytoplasm takes place which is called Karyokinesis.

What is division of the cytoplasm during the m phase called?


Why is it not easy to observe individual chromosomes during interphrase?

this is because during the interphase, the cell is at a point where it has either completed its division or is about to start its division. here the chromosomes have not separated yet in preparation for the divisin and they so look alike that one cant differentiate a chromosome.