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Anjini M

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Jitendra Rajpoot

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7mo ago

I’ll try to help you with that. In India, different regions have their own unique songs, dances, festivals and special food preparations associated with different seasons. For instance, in the monsoon season, people generally like to eat food like khichdi, omelette, fries, and hot drinks like tea and coffee 1. Some of the popular festivals celebrated in India include Diwali, Holi, Durga Puja and Eid 2.

Dances are also an important part of Indian culture. Bharatnatyam is a multi-dimensional dance form that has been able to retain the principles enunciated in Bharata’s Natya Bhasha. It has survived in the precincts of South Indian temples. It is a solo danced by women. This dance form has three aspects at a functional level; namely Nritta, Nritya and Natya. Kerala and Tamil Nadu states are the regions where this dance is performed 2. Manipuri is another popular dance form that originated from Manipur state of India. The Manipuri dance form is called Jagoi is considered to be one of the major dance forms of the country. Only movement of body and not codified gestures and expressions are incorporated with this dance. The dancer puts on a gorgeous dress covering her face with a veil and a skirt embedded with mirrors 2. Kathak is another popular dance form that is performed in north India (Delhi, Haryana, U.P., Rajasthan etc.). It was patronized by the rulers of the north Indian princely states during the British regime 2.

I hope this helps!

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i dont want to give answer i want the answer

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