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-10 degree C

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Q: Finding the normal freezing and boiling points of 21.2 g NaCl in 135mL of water?
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Related questions

What do the term boiling point snd freezing point mean?

It means boiling points are hot and freezing points are cold.

What is the difference between freezing and boiling points on a Fahrenheit scale?

The difference between the freezing and boiling points vary from substance to substance.

What are the freezing and boiling points in Fahrenheit and Celsius?

Water freezes at 32°F (0°C) and boils at 212°F (100°C).

What is the boiling and freezing point of lead?

The freezing and boiling points of lead are both 1740.0 degrees celsius.

Is a boiling point a chemical property of a sustance?

No, boiling points and freezing points are physical properties.

Why can boiling points and freezing points be used to identify substance?

It's because substances have different boiling point and freezing point. By finding the exact boiling point and freezing point, you can identify a substance. Keep in mind that a material's melting point is the same as its freezing point. These are just different terms for the same thing, it just depends on whether energy is being removed from a substance (freezing) or if energy is being added to a substance (melting). The same thing also applies to the boiling/condensation point.

What are Boiling points and freezing points examples of?

boiling points are when a substance starts to boil. example- water 32degrees F A boiling point is when a liquid evaporates to form a gas. freezing points are when a substance starts to freeze. example- water 212degrees F A liquid freezes to a solid below its freezing point.

Are boiling points and freezing points examples of chemical properties?

No, boiling points and freezing points are examples of physical properties, not chemical properties. Chemical properties describe how a substance interacts with other substances to form new substances, while physical properties describe characteristics that can be observed without changing the chemical composition of the substance.

Are boiling points and freezing points checimal changes?

No, boiling points and freezing points are physical constants that are unique to each substance. The phase change between solid and liquid and between liquid and gas is a physical change.

The freezing and boiling points of water on the Fahrenheit scale are respectively?

32 ºF is freezing point and 212 ºF is the boiling point.

What is the freezing and boiling points on the celsius scale?


What are the freezing points and the condensation points of ethanol?

The freezing point of ethanol is -114 degrees Celsius, while the condensation point is 78.37 degrees Celsius.