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Q: First state to establish Statewide primary elections?
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What is a primary?

A series of presidential primary elections and caucuses is one of the first processes of electing a president.

Wisconsin became the first state to do what in 1903?

hold primary elections :)

Where are the states primary elections held?

Iowa holds the first caucus and New Hampshire holds the first primary.

When do us elections take place?

U.S. national elections take place on the first or second Tueday of November. State elections and primary elections take place at various times. May is a common choice for local elections.

What political event is New Hampshire famous for?

New Hampshire is famous for the country's first presidential primary elections that are held in the Granite State.

Why is New Hampshire nicknamed the Primary State?

The New Hampshire Primary is the first in a series of nationwide political party primary elections held in the United States every four years.

What comes first the general election or the primary election?

No, in an election year, primary elections are held in order to pick the party candidates for the general election which is held in November (Although primary often means most important, sometimes, as in this case, primary means first.)

In most states elections for state officers are usually held?

General elections are generally held on the first Tuesday following the first Monday in November. So, the Tuesday between November 2 and November 8th. Special elections and primary elections can be held at any time, but are typically on Tuesdays.

Could Charlie Daniels win the next United States presidential election?

Charlie Daniels could win the next United States presidential elections if he first wins the vote in the primary elections. He would also have to win the majority vote in the elections.

What are the purposes of primary elections and national political conventions?

A First Amendment right is the Right to Peaceful Assembly. so that explains National Political Conventions. They are a group of people with common interests that wish to assemble peacefully. Primary elections are a big part in why the United States is not Democracy. It is in fact a Representative Republic and that is one of the first stages in selecting our representatives.

Where was first statewide police organization?

texas- the texas rangers

What is the election day in which the first choice is made?

I'm assuming you're talking about primary elections, in which case the date is different depending on what state you live in.