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Q: First step in a Supreme Court?
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How long are the Supreme Court judges on the Supreme Court?

they serve until they step down.

Who was the first man to go to the supreme court?

Roy Wilkins was the first man to go to the supreme court.

Which president was the first to appoint an woman to the supreme court?

Reagon was the first president to appoint a woman to the supreme court

Which year was the first Supreme Court convened?


Was John Jay the first chief justice for the US Supreme Court?

John Jay was the first American Supreme Court Justice.

How long does a justice of the US Supreme court stay a member in the court?

Until they either die of step down.

What is origin of the federal court system?

The Supreme Court of the United States (aka US Supreme Court), which was established by the first Act (Judiciary Act of 1789) of the First Congress on September 24, 1789.

When is The Supreme Court is in session?

The Supreme Court Term begins the first Monday in October and ends the first Monday in October of the following year

The Supreme Court is in session?

The Supreme Court Term begins the first Monday in October and ends the first Monday in October of the following year

Who was the first woman to serve the Supreme court?

The president that was first to appoint a woman to the supreme court was JFK.

What is a supreme Describe the step-by-step procedure for preparing a chicken supreme?

A chicken supreme is half of a boneless chicken breast with the first wing bone attached.

When a case goes directly to the US Supreme Court it is called what?

If the US Supreme Court is the first to hear a case, the Court has original jurisdiction.