

Flat arched feet are known as?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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If you mean feet that have somewhat of an arch to them, but flatten when you put your weight on them, I was told those are called flexible flat feet.

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Q: Flat arched feet are known as?
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depends on opinion. flat feet are an unattractive genetic mutation

Does having flat feet mean you have good balance?

Having flat feet doesn't necessarily mean that you have good balance. Usually when someone has flat feet they have strong feet but, when someone has a high arched foot, it usually means that they need to work on the strength in their feet. A good way to strengthen your feet would be with a "Thera-band"

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tendons of the foot muscles help hod the bones firmly in the arched position but still allow a certain amount of give or springiness. Weak arches are referred to as "fallen arches" or "flat feet"

Are high arched running shoes better for your feet than normal running shoes?

It depends on your personal foot shape. If you have high arched feet, which you will be able to notice from looking at them, then it is certainly more advised you buy a high arched shoe to accommodate.

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An arched bridge.

What is the meaning of flatfooted person?

Being flat-footed means that your entire arch on the bottom of your feet collapses (touches the ground when you walk). A normal foot has an arch, and a high-arched foot has a very large arch when you walk.

Which type of shoe is best for running?

According to, and I summarize (not plagiarize), it really depends on your feet. If you have "flat feet" then you'd want something that gives you more stability when you run. If you have arched feet, you'd obviously want something that cushions your feet more. Running shoes really should just be comfortable for you in general when you run the way YOU run.

What are the best running shoes for someone who has low arched feet?

The best running shoes for low arched feet would be a type of underpronators or neutral-cushioned shoes. They offer more of a soffer midsole for the runner and cause less strain on the spine.

Do apes have flat feet?

yes, apes have flat feet

Is Lucy claudia schiffer ticklish?

Yes. She is very ticklish on her feet, especially arched soles and mostly on heels. Also upper body.

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Where do I purchse beginning running shoes for myself?

First, try to identify whether you have any specific foot-related problem such as flat feet or high-arched feet. In such a case, you must identify a special store. Otherwise, please consider investing in a higher end pair, at least until you get into a steady exercise rhythm.