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Someone who doesn't ask what the definition of punk is lol jk Punk to me is having the mind of a rebellious misunderstood teenager for the rest of your life.

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Q: For all the punks out there.for you what is a real punk?
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What is a punk?

punk is living different from what the majority is. most punks are anarchist who hate authority. real punks dont listen to good charlotte, green day and all that crap. the closest to punk music is green day. there is no real punk music anymore. if you want to act like a punk just be yourself, have fun, and do something no ones done before. Being a punk means going against trends. so even if u dress like other punks that doesnt make you one. Yeah, the word "punk" originally meant a male prostitute, which is where the punk subculture basically got it's name from. punks suck

Who is all in the group of Daft Punk?

A bunch of punks.

What do punk people do?

Punks do a lot of things. People in general do a lot of things. It is kind of hard to answer this because punks are not all the same. We dont all do the same things but here are some things punks do. Listen to punk music, make a punk band, hang out with other punks, create mischief and destruction, go to concerts. There are some things punks do.

Why don't preps and surfer punks get along I am a surfer punk?

because us punks are all different with different views on life

What made punks to become punks?

Punks are influenced from the Punk music they listen to or the teen angst in them. Most Punk songs send messages to people to just be you and people can relate to Punk music because it is mostly teen angst. Teen Angst mainly influences the fashion of Punks not being like the other sheep in this fake all-about popularity society!

Is a emo better then a punk?

There is a song by a punk band called f**k emo. WELL PUNKS ESPECIALLY YOUNG PUNKS THESE DAYS ARE ALL POSERS!!!!!! HATING ON EMOS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PUNK ERA AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! um the person above has has a lot of hate towards "posers" but one is not better than the other

Why are punks so gothish?

Punks are scary all the time because the Gothic horror genre taking place in the Romantic era related to them. Punk is synonmous with Goth

What are all the punk rockers wearing these days?

Unfortunately, the punk scene has gone to the posers so they're all wearing ties and Hot Topic merchandise. But the real punks left in the scene are going back to the Hardcore Punk look, more like the style of the band The Casualties. Also the Horror Punk look has slightly come back - with The Misfits. As always safety pins are the most popular accesorie.

What subculture does emo's and goth's and punk's go under?

most goths and punks recognize themselves as being part of the 'alternative' lifestyle most goths and punks also do not recognize emo people as being part of this lifestyle most goths and punks do not care to recognize emo people at all

What si a real number?

All the numbers in the world are real. Therefor they are all real numbers.

How do you become punk?

If you mean poser punk...Then wear black clothes and spike your hair If you talking about BECOMING a real punk...You can't. A real punk person is not just something you can become. Punks actually believe in something, whether it's that they believe the government is unfair or they just don't believe in certain rules, dressing the way they do and acting the way they act just came along with their idea to rebel, their idea to become rebels. I personally believe real punks don't even need to dress that way or act that way they just have to believe in something and when I say believe in something I don't mean religion or anything like that I mean they believe something is unfair and needs to be changed. Punk is now a slang word for hooligan or rule breaker and I believe you can find out for yourself why it became that way. That's what a real punk is...Your either a punk or your not. If you wanna ACT like one...Here's some tips. -Be a troublemaker -Dress like one....crazy clothes, crazy hair...Stick out... -Don't care. ^^^That's all poser punk stuff. If you think something is unfair, speak out...That's what a punk really is....In my opinion... -R.S.Cuda

How does punk rock effect society?

Punk rock affects the society in different ways. For some people, punk rock may be unnecessary and without a meaning, whereas for others it can mean a lot, like everything. Punk rock has developed over the years, and brought a different impact to the society. I personally think, that punk rock has improved the society, as without it, the society would have been boring and pointless. Punk rock has added a sharp, rock 'n' roll edge to the society, and has left some good memories. Some people say that there hasn't been any real punks around since 1970's, but I don't think that is true. It has developed in the 1970's and therefore there were much more punks back then, but this doesn't mean that there aren't any real punks nowadays - there are, but just less. So, punk rock has affected the society in many ways and it has changed it for good.