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Transverse waves vibrate up and down.

Longitudinal waves vibrate parallel to the medium.

Surface waves vibrate in circular motions.

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2w ago
  • For transverse waves, the vibration of the medium is perpendicular to the direction of the wave propagation.
  • For longitudinal waves, the vibration of the medium is parallel to the direction of the wave propagation.
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Q: For each type of wave compare the vibration of the medium to the direction of the wave?
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When each portion of a coil spring is alternatively compressed and extended what waves is produced?

When each portion of a coil spring is alternatively compressed and extended, a longitudinal wave is produced. Longitudinal waves propagate in the same direction as the direction of the vibration of the particles of the medium.

How does the frequency of vibration of a small object floating in water compare to the number of waves passing it each second?

The frequency of vibration of a small object floating in water is equivalent to the number of waves passing it each second. As the object moves up and down with the waves, it completes a vibration cycle with each wave that passes, thus the frequency of vibration matches the frequency of the waves passing by.

How do you compare the direction of your partners and your force?

To compare the direction of your partner's force with your own, you can use vector addition. If the forces are in the same direction, you add their magnitudes to get the combined force. If they are in opposite directions, you subtract the magnitudes. If the forces are at an angle to each other, you can use trigonometry to determine the resultant force direction.

Describe two major differences between transverse and longitudinal waves give a practical example of each?

In a transverse wave, the direction of the propagation of the wave is perpendicular tothe direction of the vibration of the source whereas in a longitudinal wave, they both are parallel to each other. A longitudinal wave requires a medium to propagate but a transverse wave requires no medium to travel. Sound is a longitudinal wave and all EM radiation are transverse waves.

How does the frequency of vibration of a small object floating in water compare with the number of waves passing it each second?

The frequency of vibration of a small object floating in water is independent of the number of waves passing it each second. The frequency of vibration is determined by the natural frequency of the object, while the number of waves passing it each second is determined by the wave speed and wavelength in the water.

Related questions

When each portion of a coil spring is alternatively compressed and extended what waves is produced?

When each portion of a coil spring is alternatively compressed and extended, a longitudinal wave is produced. Longitudinal waves propagate in the same direction as the direction of the vibration of the particles of the medium.

How does the frequency of vibration of a small object floating in water compare to the number of waves passing it each second?

The frequency of vibration of a small object floating in water is equivalent to the number of waves passing it each second. As the object moves up and down with the waves, it completes a vibration cycle with each wave that passes, thus the frequency of vibration matches the frequency of the waves passing by.

How does the frequency of vibration of a small object floating in water compare with number of waves passing the object each second?

They are the same.

How do you compare the direction of your partners and your force?

To compare the direction of your partner's force with your own, you can use vector addition. If the forces are in the same direction, you add their magnitudes to get the combined force. If they are in opposite directions, you subtract the magnitudes. If the forces are at an angle to each other, you can use trigonometry to determine the resultant force direction.

Describe two major differences between transverse and longitudinal waves give a practical example of each?

In a transverse wave, the direction of the propagation of the wave is perpendicular tothe direction of the vibration of the source whereas in a longitudinal wave, they both are parallel to each other. A longitudinal wave requires a medium to propagate but a transverse wave requires no medium to travel. Sound is a longitudinal wave and all EM radiation are transverse waves.

How does the frequency of vibration of a small object floating in water compare with the number of waves passing it each second?

The frequency of vibration of a small object floating in water is independent of the number of waves passing it each second. The frequency of vibration is determined by the natural frequency of the object, while the number of waves passing it each second is determined by the wave speed and wavelength in the water.

How does the medium transfer the energy of a mechanical wave?

In a mechanical wave, energy is transferred through the vibration of particles within the medium. As the wave passes through the medium, each particle moves back and forth, transferring kinetic energy to neighboring particles. This transfer of energy continues throughout the medium as the wave propagates.

How are sound waves and electromagnetic waves different from one another?

Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves I.E the direction of movement of each particle in the medium is perpendicular to the direction of the transfer of energy, similar to a water wave. Sound waves are transverse and so the direction of the movement of the particles in the medium is the same direction as the movement of the energy.

When light travels from one medium to another which factors changes?

When light travels from one medium to another, factors that change include the speed of light, the wavelength of light, and the direction of light. These changes are caused by the different optical properties of each medium, such as refractive index and density.

Whatis a longitudinal wave?

A longitudinal wave is a wave in which the particles of the medium move parallel to the direction of the wave's motion. This means that the vibration of the particles causing the wave is in the same direction as the wave itself, unlike in a transverse wave where the particles move perpendicular to the wave's motion. Sound waves traveling through air are an example of a longitudinal wave.

What does each signal vibration of an object produce?

Each signal vibration of an object produces a specific sound frequency. The frequency of the vibration determines the pitch or note of the sound. The intensity of the vibration affects the volume or amplitude of the sound produced.

When a wave bends as it passes from one medium to another what occurs?

When a wave bends as it passes from one medium to another, it undergoes a change in speed and direction due to the change in the medium's density. This phenomenon is known as refraction. The amount of bending depends on the angle at which the wave enters the new medium.