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He can ask you randomly but you would have to have had the store for a while for him to ask you. Usually he will ask you if you like Variety, ballance or Trading hours. If you say ballance he will remain as the same store, if you say variety he will upgrade to the next store and if you say Trading hours he will change his Trading hours.

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Q: For how long do you have to go to nookway for tom nook to ask you about the store on animal crossing wild world?
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What is the last level of nooks store and how do you get it?

Animal Crossing (Gamecube): The last level of Nook's store is Nookway, and the only way to get it is to spend money on items in Nook'N' Go (the preceding store of Nookway) until he closes down for a day to remodel and upgrade his store. Animal Crossing Wild World (DS): The last level of Nook's store is Nookington's, and the only way to get it is spend 250,000 bells at Nookway (the preceding store of Nookington's), and have one friend, via Wi-Fi or Wireless Connection, buy at least one item from his store. Animal Crossing City Folk (Wii): The last level of Nook's store is Nookington's, and the only way to get it is by spending 250,000 bells at Nookway, the preceding store of Nookington's.

What is nookway on Animal Crossing wild world?

Nookway is one of Tom Nook's shops on Animal Crossing Wild World. I think it's the 3rd upgrade, his shop upgrades everytime you spend a certain amount of Bells in his shop! :)

How do you get to shampoodle's on animal crossing wild world?

You have to unlock Nookingtons by spending 240,000 bells at Nookway and by getting a friend to come over into your town and buy something at Nookway.

Can you get coupons for nookway in animal crossing wild world?

I don't think you can get coupons in nook way . Not that I've heard .

What is the most fast way to get nooksington on animal crossing wild world?

Buy everything he sells, every day. And as soon as you get Nookway, have a friend come over and buy the whole store out, then continue with your routine.

How do you get nookway in Animal Crossing Wild World?

You have to keep on buying things from the shop and eventually it changes to nook way and the amount of things you must buy gets higher and higher every time till you get to the last shop which is called nookingtons after nookway.

How do you get a net on Animal Crossing wild world?

To get a net from Animal Crossing Wild World, you first must have 500 bells (the currency in Animal Crossing), which is the cost of the net. You must go to Nook's store (either Nook's Cranny, Nook 'N' Go, Nookway, or Nookington's), and there should be a shelf dedicated to tools, including but not excluded to the fishing rod, net, and shovel. Then, press the 'A' button on the item, while facing the item. Tom Nook will tell you that it's a net that sells for 500 bells. You then choose the 'buy it' option, and that is how you get a net on Animal Crossing Wild World.

Do you get Nookingtons by doing ds to ds?

Yes, on Animal Crossing Wild World for ds, you do get the biggest shop Nookingtons by doing ds to ds with another player. But first of all, you must make sure you have Nookway before doing ds to ds. Also the other player that visits your town has to actually but something from your Nookway store. Then after they have returned home, it should say so on the notice board outside the town hall.

How do you get a barbershop in Animal Crossing Wild World?

The Barber Shop (Shampoodle's) is not an available feature in Tom Nook's store in the Original Animal Crossing for Gamecube.However, in the later Animal Crossing versions, it is available.In Wild World, get someone from another town to buy one item from Nookway and make sure you've spent at least 250,000 bells at Nookway.In City Folk, you just have to make sure you've spent at least 250,000 at Nookway.Although it has been rumored that you can get the hair salon on the original Animal Crossing, it is a false rumor. You must buy a later version of Animal Crossing (Wild World for DS or City Folk for Wii) to be able to have the hair salon (Shampoodle's) option.

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How do you get seeds in Animal Crossing wild world?

you have to buy them at Tom Nook's store.

How do you get a space station on animal crossing wild world?

You buy it at Tom Nook's store.