

For once then something summary by Robert Frost?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: For once then something summary by Robert Frost?
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What is the rhyme scheme of the poem once by the ocean by Robert Frost?

The rhyme scheme of the poem "Once by the Ocean" by Robert Frost is AABBCC. Each stanza consists of two couplets followed by a rhyming couplet.

How many times was Robert Frost nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature?

Robert Frost was nominated a total of 31 times for the Nobel Prize in Literature. However, he only won the prize once, in 1963.

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"A Dream Pang" by Robert Frost describes the speaker's conflicting feelings of yearning and regret brought on by a vivid dream that temporarily transports them to a happier time. The poem explores the bittersweet emotions evoked by memories and the longing for what once was, ultimately highlighting the transient nature of joy and the pain of waking up to reality. Through detailed sensory imagery and emotive language, Frost captures the complex interplay between nostalgia, loss, and the human experience of grappling with the past.

What type of sonnet is Once by the Pacific?

"Once by the Pacific" is a Petrarchan sonnet, also known as an Italian sonnet, as it follows the rhyme scheme ABBAABBA CDCDCD. It was written by American poet Robert Frost.

Who is Robert Frost?

Robert Frost was an American poet known for his realistic depictions of rural New England life and his use of traditional verse forms. He won four Pulitzer Prizes for his poetry and is best known for works such as "The Road Not Taken" and "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening." Frost's poetry often explores themes of nature, individualism, and the human experience.

What is the Robert Frost poem about a ship whose mast is broken and in it a girls hair resembles seaweed in the ocean?

There doesn't seem to be any Robert Frost poem about a girl with hair that resembles seaweed in the ocean or a ship with a broken mast. His two major ocean poems include "Neither Out Far Nor In Deep" and "Once by the Pacific."

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Who wrote the road not taken?

It is human wisdom that prompts man to take a certain decision at a time. Where wisdom is absent, instinct will tell him to decide what it is. To err in decisions is common to man, and it is to prevent mistakes from being committed that he is favoured with the state of indecision, so that he can think and decide. Sometimes we will have to regret the decisions taken once and some other times we will be happy for a particular decision taken at a time. The poem 'The Road Not Taken' discusses this indecision and boldness of decision intermittent in human lives.

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The summary of once upon a time is a very long TIME ago ........... happened only one time

What is the killing frost for ragweed pollen?

A killing frost is when the temperature has dropped below 32 degrees at least once.

What is the sound devices used in once by the pacific?

"Once by the Pacific" by Robert Frost uses assonance, consonance, and alliteration to create a rhythmic and melodic sound. The repetition of certain vowel and consonant sounds adds to the musical quality of the poem and helps to emphasize its themes and imagery.

What religion is Robert Frost?

Hindu The above answer is ridiculous. Frost's spirituality was very complex, he was outwardly ambivalent to religion, although he had a strong religious education from his mother, and his roots are New England Yankee. Hindu is ridiculous. Many people thought he was atheist but his mother and him argued about it often. He was once quoted as saying that his religion was being a"freethinker."