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It must enter our eyes.

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Q: For us to see something light from it must enter our?
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For us to see something how must light enter us?

I learnt in physics today that light has to enter our eye for us to see!

What 3 things must happen to be able to see something?

1. there mush be a source of light 2.the light must strike an object 3.the light must be reflected from the object to your eye

Is sapphire a light source or a reflector?

Sapphire doesn't create or produce light. If you can see it, then it must be reflecting light from something else.

Is sapphires a light source or a reflector?

Sapphire doesn't create or produce light. If you can see it, then it must be reflecting light from something else.

Why cant you use visible light to see molecules?

because light used to see an object must have a wavelength

Why cant you see visible light to see molecules?

In order to "see" something with eyes, the object must be longer than the light wave refracted from it. Molecules are too small to be refracted.

Is it true that the light you see is called visable light?

By definition, the word "visible" means something you can see. Beware: you cannot see a light ray or beam or photon as it whizzes past you. You only see those rays that enter your eye. In a dusty atmosphere you might say you can see a light beam, but what you see is that part which is scattered into your eyes.

What must light do so that you can see something?

When light falls on some object, then it absorbs all the colors of visible light spectrum except the color of the object itself which it reflects back (diffusion). So we see the color of the object .

Why cant you use visible to see molecules?

In order to "see" something with eyes, the object must be longer than the light wave refracted from it. Molecules are too small to be refracted.

Why can't people see in the dark?

People can't see in the dark because their eyes need light to create images. In low-light conditions, the pupils dilate to allow more light in, but there may still not be enough to see well. Additionally, the specialized cells in the retina called rods, which are responsible for low-light vision, need some level of light to function effectively.

Why can't people see in darkness?

You only "see" when light enters your eyes. In the dark, there is no light . . . the main reason why we call it "dark". Since there is no light, none can enter your eyes, and you do not see.

Why cant you see jam sandwiches in the dark?

You only "see" when light enters your eyes. In the dark, there is no light . . . the main reason why we call it "dark". Since there is no light, none can enter your eyes, and you do not see.