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Single cell organisms.

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Q: For what group of organisms is cell division a form on reproduction?
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How do protists go through reproduction?

Cell division, as they are unicellular organisms.

Cell division has the purpose of?

The purpose of cell division in the unicelluar organism is to?

It may be used as a method of reproduction in unicellular organisms.

The main purpose of cell division is?

Cell division has three purposes for the organism. The are responsible for the reproduction, growth and maintenance of both single celled and multicellular organisms.

How are new organisms formed by mitosis sexually or asexually?

When new organisms are formed by mitotic cell division, it is a form of asexual reproduction.

What does mitosis allow organisms to do?

reproduction of a cell by division into two approximately equal parts

Is mitotic cell division responsible for reproduction in some organisms?

Great Q'n, needs to be persued: = Help Pls -

Why cell division occurs in multicellular organisms?

1. Development from a fertilised cell ie Reproduction 2. Growth 3. Repair and replacement of worn out tissue

What is meant by cell reproduction?

Cell reproduction refers to the division of the cells which occurs and can be described as reproduction. The cell divides in to two cells through Meiosis and Mitosis which are two different ways of cell reproduction also known as cell division.

Does reproduction in plants and animals depend on cell division?

It does not depend on cell division

What is a form of reproduction based on mitotic cell division?

Asexual reproduction.

1How are the modes for reproduction different in unicellular and multicellular organisms?

In unicellular organisms, reproduction occurs by the division of the entire cell. The modes of reproduction in unicellular organisms can be fission, budding, etc. whereas in multicellular organisms, specialised reproductive organs are present. Therefore, they can reproduce by complex reproductive methods such as vegetative propagation, spore formation, etc. In more complex multicellular organisms such as human beings and plants, the mode of reproduction is sexual reproduction.