

For which medical conditions is laser treatment used in prenatal surgery?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS).

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Q: For which medical conditions is laser treatment used in prenatal surgery?
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What are the most common medical conditions requiring prenatal surgery?

Urinary tract obstructions (males); diaphragmatic hernia and cystic adenomatoid malformation; sacrococcygeal teratoma; twin-twin transfusion syndrome; twin:twin reverse arterial perfusion.

What are other medical conditions that require prenatal surgery?

Congenital defects of the lungs, omphalocele, fetal gastroschisis, bowel obstructions, hypoplastic left heart syndrome, X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency syndrome, spina bifida.

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Arrhythmia is not a treatment, it is the medical condition of an irregular heartbeat. Common treatment include medicines and perhaps surgery

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for the treatment of chronic conditions requiring constitutional prescribing, for severe infections requiring antibiotic treatment, or for conditions requiring major surgery.

What are other names for prenatal surgery?

Fetal surgery, antenatal surgery, or maternal-fetal surgery.

What are the general risks associated with prenatal surgery?

Prenatal surgery is considered high risk. The placenta may be nicked causing preterm labor. Preterm labor is the most common complication of prenatal surgery. Fetoscopic surgeries are less dangerous.

Is prenatal surgery covered by insurance?

Some prenatal surgeries may not be covered by insurance.