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Q: For which segment of the Earth's geologic history are fossils rarely found?
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Why are fossils important to earths history as a planet?

Fossils aren't but the life that made them is.

What geologic period lasted seven eighths of the earths history?

The Precambrian time

Geologists have divided earths history in the manaeable units that are represented by the?

Geologic time scale

What is the measurement of the earths history divided into time periods?

geologic time scale

What is a measurment of the earths history divided into time periods is?

fossil record geologic time scale

What is a measurement of the earths history divided into time periods?

fossil record geologic time scale

What is a a measurements of the earths history divided into time periods?

fossil record geologic time scale

What is a measurement of the earths history divided into time period?

fossil record geologic time scale

How is earths geolgic history determined?

it is determined by studying the relative and absolute ages of rocks and fossils

Why Describe how fossils can provide evidence of how environmental conditions and life have changed during earths history?


Do fossils define earths history?

yes. It gives vital clues to uncover the events that once occurred on earth.

How does erosion help in bringing fossils to the earths surface?

erosion helps bring fossils to earths surface by when a animal dies it turns into a fossil