

For whom is the Elizabethan period named?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Queen Elizabeth I, she reigned from 1558-1603.

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Q: For whom is the Elizabethan period named?
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The Elizabethan (note spelling) period was named for Queen Elizabeth I

What period was named for queen of England?

Elizabethan or Victorian.

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the Jacobian period, named for king James the first of England.

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In honour of her long and illustrious rule (1558 - 1603), the Elizabethan period was named after herself: Elizabeth I, although she was the last of the Tudor monarachs.

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It was named after Queen Elizabeth 1

What are the British people named after Queen Elizabeth?

what are you talking about if we were all named after Queen Elizabeth then we would all be named Elizabeth ! answer: Perhaps you are referring to the time period, which is Elizabethan.

What period in history is named after Queen Elizabeth I of England?

The Elizabethan Era. She reigned from 1558-1603.

What is another name for the late Renaissance period in which Shakespeare lived?

In England, the eras in which Shakespeare are named after the monarchs: the Elizabethan and Jacobean periods.

How would you say arent in Elizabethan times?

If you mean to describe a time that was not Elizabethan, you could refer to the time before or after the Elizabethan era, such as the Tudor period or the Stuart period.

Who is Elizabethan English named after?

Elizabeth I

What is In the Elizabethan chain of being men are above whom on every level?

Men are above women in the Elizabethan chain.