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Q: Form of writing evolved out of the need to give a personal speech to people without being present?
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Does the account holder have to be present when writing a personal check to a person and cashing it?

The account holder does not need to be present when the check is cashed.

Do they teach cursive writing in china?

Cursive writing is not commonly taught in schools in China. However, some individuals may still learn cursive writing through calligraphy classes or personal interest. The focus in Chinese education is primarily on standard block letter characters.

Why is a research report expository writing?

A research report is considered expository writing because its purpose is to present facts, explain a topic, or inform the reader about a specific subject matter. It focuses on providing an in-depth analysis, interpretation of data, and discussion of findings in a clear and objective manner without personal opinions or biases.

What is literal style writing?

Literal style writing refers to a form of writing that presents facts, details, and descriptions in a straightforward and objective manner, without using exaggeration, embellishments, or personal opinions. This style of writing focuses on providing accurate information without subjective interpretations or artistic flourishes.

Is third-person point of view a feature of an academic voice?

Yes, third-person point of view is commonly used in academic writing to maintain a formal and objective tone. It allows the writer to present information without expressing personal opinions or emotions.

What does personal allusion refer to in hexagonal writing?

Personal allusions in hexagonal writing refers to comprehension in hexagonal writing. Hexagonal writing is comprised of personal allusions, literal allusions, themes, literal level, literary devices, and evaluations.

. In hexagonal writing personal allusions refer to?

Personal allusions in hexagonal writing refers to comprehension in hexagonal writing. Hexagonal writing is comprised of personal allusions, literal allusions, themes, literal level, literary devices, and evaluations.

What hexagonal writing personal allusions refer to what?

Personal allusions in hexagonal writing refers to comprehension in hexagonal writing. Hexagonal writing is comprised of personal allusions, literal allusions, themes, literal level, literary devices, and evaluations.

What was the name of the egyptians evolved a writing system that used pictographs to represent words and sounds?

Hieroglyphic writing system.

How does personal writing differ from academic writing?

Personal writing is something written for fun, there is really no purpose for it except to simply entertain. Educational writing is writing to educate someone about a certain subject, usually non-fiction(true). Personal writing is for your own entertainment or personal use. For example a diary or slum book. academic writing is for educational purposes. Example test papers, books, and the likes.

This type of writing explains things?

Expository writing is a type of writing that focuses on providing information, explaining concepts, or describing ideas without expressing personal opinions. It aims to educate and inform readers on a particular topic in a clear and objective manner.

How do you explain the tense for 'writing'?

The tense for 'writing' can vary depending on the context in which it is used. It could be present tense (e.g., "I am writing"), past tense (e.g., "I wrote"), or future tense (e.g., "I will write"). The tense of 'writing' indicates when the action of writing is taking place.