

Formula for rust

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Formula for rust
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What is the formula for rust?

The formula for rust is Fe02

When metallic iron is left out in the weather it will react with water to form rust in a synthesis reaction Which of these is the chemical formula for rust?

The chemical formula for rust is Fe2O3.nH2O, where Fe represents iron and O represents oxygen. Rust is a combination of iron oxide and water molecules that forms when iron is exposed to oxygen and moisture in the air.

When metallic iron is left out in the weather it will react with water to form rust in a synthesis reaction. Which of these is the chemical formula for rust?

Fe2O3 is the chemical formula for rust.

What is the chemical formula for rust is?

Red rust Iron(III) oxide, is written Fe2O3Black rust, Iron(II) oxide, is FeOA contributor, below, offers that rust can be hydrated with some number of waters,ANS2:the formula for rust is Fe2O3.xH2Owhere x is a variable as we do not know that with what amount of water will iron react and will form rust

Chemical formula for rust?

Rust is hydrated iron oxides: Fe2O3.nH2O + FeO(OH).

What is the formula of rust?

Fe2 + 3O2 --> Fe2O3

When rust is a compound with the formula which elements combine to form rust?

when certain elements (such as steel) are exposed to oxygen, they react, and rust is formed. However this reaction is very slow

What is a substance that contains iron 3?

One example of a substance containing iron(III) is iron(III) oxide, also known as rust. This compound is a common form of iron corrosion found on surfaces exposed to oxygen and moisture.

Does rust or Fe2O3 have more atoms in the formula?

Fe2O3 has more atoms in the formula. Rust, which is primarily iron (Fe) oxide (Fe2O3), consists of 2 atoms of iron (Fe) and 3 atoms of oxygen (O), totaling 5 atoms in the formula.

Can putting peanut butter on a nail pevent rust?

Yes, Peanut butter has a natural anti rust formula in it to prevent rust, erosion, and even fills the holes of the heart. haha, jk

What is the formula weight of rust?

Rust is a compound primarily composed of iron(III) oxide, with a chemical formula of Fe2O3. To calculate the formula weight, you would add the atomic weights of two iron atoms (Fe) and three oxygen atoms (O) together. Using the atomic weights from the periodic table, the formula weight of rust (Fe2O3) would be approximately 159.69 g/mol.

Can yellow be a color of rust?

No, yellow is not typically a color associated with rust. Rust is usually orange to reddish-brown in color, resulting from the oxidation of iron. Yellow colors in metal surfaces are usually due to other factors such as corrosion from chemicals or alloys.