

Formula to find volume of water?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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13y ago

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You have to specify what type of three dimensional shape its in. Different shapes have different volume formulas. Sorry for the inconvenience, have a nice day.

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Q: Formula to find volume of water?
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What formula should be used to calculate the number of gallons in a cylindrical water tank?

The formula to find the volume of a right cylinder is height times area of the circular base. This volume in cubic feet is then multiplied by 7.48 to find the number of gallons.

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The formula is: [ Volume = 0 ].A 'plane figure' has no volume. That's any figure that you can draw on paper,and those can't hold water. It takes volume to hold water, and volume takesthree dimensions.

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V = pi*r^2*L.

What is the formula to compute volume?

There is no single formula. It depends on the shape of the object whose volume you are trying to find.