

Fortunate make it in a sentence?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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We are fortunate that mom is willing to watch the kids since day care is extremely expensive.

I am fortunate to have an assistant because there is lots of work to be done.

We're fortunate to be getting rain when so many other states are experiencing a severe drought.

He is fortunate to still be working when many of his coworkers have been laid off.

I was fortunate to have excellent high school teachers who made sure I was well prepared for college.

Many people have difficulty finding a good dentist, but we're fortunate to have one right in our family.

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How would the term fortunate be used in a sentence?

Fortunate can be used in sentences which try to express gratitude or about being lucky. Fortunate can be used in a sentence in these ways - 'It's fortunate that you didn't get any internal injuries despite it being a major accident'; 'You are fortunate to have parents like yours'.

How can you use the word fortunate in a sentence?

It was very fortunate that Jimmy didn't get brutally murdered by his wife.

Can you write a sentence with the word fortunate?

You were fortunate that you asked the question on WikiAnswers as you have now got an answer.

Can you give me an example of a sentence using the word fortunate?

It is fortunate that someone is out there to do my homework for me. How fortunate that a taxi might appear just as the rain begins.

Can you give a sentence with the word fortunate in it?

He knew he was fortunate to have got the job, as some of the other candidates that were interviewed were very good.

How do you use the word fortunate in a sentence?

Fortunate means lucky. Here are some sentences.I was fortunate to find an open gas station before my car ran out of gas.She is a fortunate woman!You're fortunate that I'm in a good mood today, otherwise I'd be mad at you.

What is a good sentence with empathy?

You should have empathy for those not as fortunate as yourself.

Can you make sentence with fortune?

I like Chinese restaurants because they always provide a fortune cookie. Fortune favors the bold.