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Q: Fossils of what plant were found in rocks on widely separated landmass?
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HOW DO Fossils indicates that the continents have moved with time?

Similar fossils and rocks are found on widely separated continents.FROM,A smart girl named,ISABELLA JULI-ASS RAMIREZ!

What evidence does the continental drift have that the continents were once connected?

Evidence for continental drift includes the fit of continents like South America and Africa, similar rock formations and mountain ranges on different continents, and the distribution of fossils that were once found on now widely separated landmasses. These pieces of evidence suggest that the continents were once connected in a single landmass called Pangaea.

Millions of years ago it is possible that the continents may have been .?

one big block of land

Q3. Which large landmass is found to the north of the Philippines?

The large landmass found to the north of the Philippines is Taiwan. It is situated across the Luzon Strait and is separated from the northernmost islands of the Philippines by the Bashi Channel.

Paleontologists noticed that these were the same on different continents even though the continents were separated by ocean?

The same rocks and minerals from the same batch, dinosaur fossils dating back to the same time periods, natural landforms and structures can be found on completely separate continents. This evidence supports the Plate Techtonics and Continental Drift theories.

Does fossils support wegeners theory?

Yes, because he found fossils from a fresh water lizard, in two different continents separated by salt water.

Summarize the ways that fossils helped support the hypothesis of continental drift?

The scientists that found the fossils found that were found on different continents. Some of the same fossil were located on each Continent that could only survive in one climate. Therefore, a fossil provided some evidence for the continental drift to be true.

What are the ways that fossils helped support of the continental drift?

Fossils of the same species can be found on continents that are now today separated by oceans. btw continental drift is a fact.

Which piece of evidence did wegener use to support his theory on continental drift?

Because he found fossils of plants that has heavy seeds and cant travel with seeds across oceans on a lot of the continents that are separated by oceans. Also, he found an oceanic animal that is only fresh water on parts of land that are separated by salt water. The fossils of the fern like plant was called Glossopteris

How are seperation fossils found?

The fact that they were separated by sometimes thousands of miles suggested continental drift or plate tectonics.

What are the ways that fossils helped support the hypothesis of continental drift?

Fossils of the same species can be found on continents that are now today separated by oceans. btw continental drift is a fact.

What are the ways fossils help support the hypothesis of continental drift?

Fossils of the same species can be found on continents that are now today separated by oceans. btw continental drift is a fact.