

Best Answer

1. Actinium (Ac)

2. Astatine (At)

3. Platinum (Pt)

4. Protactinium (Pa)

5. Tin (Sn)

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3d ago

Tin can (tin and can), tin foil, tin roof, and tin man.

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13y ago

tin protactinium actinium and platinum :p

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Q: Four elements that have the word tin as part of their name?
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Which elements name means violet?

The element with the name that means violet is Iodine, derived from the Greek word "iodes" meaning violet-colored.

Why do elements have odd symbols?

You may be referring to the elements whose symbols do not match their names. Such symbols refer to names for those elements (or something related) in other languages. Examples: Au (gold) comes from the Latin word aurum W (tungsten) comes form the Swedish word wolfram. Tungsten is still sometimes called wolfram. Na (sodium) comes from the Latin word natrium which itself may come from the Egyptian word natron. Natrium is the modern German word for sodium.

Is earth a common noun?

The noun earth is a singular, concrete,common nounas a word forthe soft or granular material composing part of the surface of the globe; soil.The noun Earth is a singular, concrete,proper nounas a word for the planet on which we live.The noun earth is a common noun as a word for the soft or granular material composing part of the surface of the globe; soil; a word for any earth anywhere (on Earth).The noun Earth is a proper noun as the name of the planet on which we live; the name of a specific place. The common nounfor the proper noun Earth is planet.

What word could form a compound word with pal name and ball?

pall name ball

Is copper chloride an ionic compound?

No. Copper carbonate is a compound. As a rule of thumb if a substance has a two-part name it is probably not an element unless one of those word refers to its state (i.e. solid, liquid, gas, vapor)

Related questions

What four elements have the word tin as part as their names?

Tin is one of the elements located on the Periodic Table. In addition, the four other elements that have the word tin in their name are platinum, astatine, actinium and protactinium.

What four elements have the word tin as part of their namee?

Tin is one of the elements located on the Periodic Table. In addition, the four other elements that have the word tin in their name are platinum, astatine, actinium and protactinium.

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The word mart is sometimes used, but generally only as part of the name of a specific business, such as Walmart.

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Sing the Word Hope in Four-Part Harmony was created in 2009-06.

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Neck is a four letter word for the part of the body between head and chest.

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The second word in the name of a compound typically represents the anionic part of the compound, providing information about the elements present and their ratio in the compound. It helps identify the specific type of compound and the elements involved in its chemical composition.

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The hull

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