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a source of raw materials, gold and silver, and colonial markets

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Q: Four items that the Western Hemisphere provided for Europe are?
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How did capitalism affect rural Europe?

Possibly the need for money to buy food and other items rather than bartering or using credit would have marked the effects of capitalism in rural areas.

How did Europe's economy change after the bubonic plauge wiped out so many people?

The 3/4 of the population of Europe died and in many places thousands died each day. When you have tradesmen, farmers, artists, soliders, and others gone that meant that there were vacancies in areas where people depended on someone who had a particular skill, provided foods, had a shop selling needed items. Houses were left vacant because the family died this meant whole cities were loosing population. On the other hand the death of people also allowed for others to move up in status and create a new life. This created a development of a middle class which added to the economy in the long run.

Which services are provided by Medisave?

Medisave is a global leader in the medical supplies market, has affiliates with locations and substantial warehousing in the US, the UK, and New Zealand and Australia. Medisave offers an extensive selection of personal physician/health professional items including stethoscopes and diagnostic sets.

Explain the distinction between autonomous and accommodating items in the balance of payments?

Autonomous items in the balance of payments capture transactions that private agents undertake when they maximize profits or welfare. These items are sometimes referred to as above the line items. Accommodating items reflect government actions aimed at altering the size and the composition of the balance of payments, and they are sometimes referred to as below the line items.

What are the arguments for the European Union?

- European Common Market and freedom of movement within the EU makes it easier for people to visit other parts of Europe and for businesses to establish themselves in other European countries.- The EU has ensured long-lasting peace within Europe, a continent historically known for war- A European Health Insurance Card means that if you fall ill or get injured in another EU country, you can get the same level of medical care that a citizen of that country would get.

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What is the highest peak in the western hemisphere?

There are a few basic items of computer furniture you will need to complete your office. With the right furniture, not only will your office give you comfort but also the opportunity to successfully finish your work. You will need an appropriate computer chair; one with the right support and height. The most important furniture item needed is a solid computer desk that allows your computer chair to fit nicely. Other important items to bring into your office are shelves, bookcases and other storage. Finishing touches for the office include a trash disposal bin and a memo board to keep your ideas posted.

What were early trade items from Asia and Europe?

Spices, tools, food items, cattle, and medicine were early trade items.

What was some items Europe wanted from Asia?

Europe mainly wanted spices, silk, and porcelain.

What style of clothing is worn in Europe?

The people in Europe tend to dress towards the American style of attire. Most of the time they dress in clothing that resembles items from stores such as; American Eagle, Hollister, Aeropostale, Pac Sun., Abercrombie and Fitch, ect... I hope that my answer has provided you with enough information to get started. As i have never actually been to Europe, but i do know people who have.

Is welsh one of the oldest languages in Europe?

No. Greek is the oldest practiced language in Western Europe. Some people forget that Greece is considered a part of Western Europe. This is due to the history of Greece, which made Greece heavily tied to the true geographical definition of Western Europe. The Greek language has been around since about 1400 BCE. Disregarding Greece, Latin would be the oldest "surviving" language of Western Europe. Latin is still official in one country, Vatican City, and many people across the world still learn Latin. In addition, Latin is still used in naming items (from animals to elements). The Latin language was established around 500 BCE. If you don't count Latin, because truly Latin is a dead language, then yes, Welsh is the oldest practiced language in Western Europe, surviving from around 700 CE.

What is provided with materials confirm the number and type of items delivered?

A packing list or delivery note is typically provided with materials to confirm the number and type of items delivered. This document lists the quantity and description of each item included in the shipment, serving as a checklist for both the sender and the recipient to ensure accuracy in the delivery process.

Cause and effects of the marshall plan?

it saved europe It ensured the USA would be the richest and most powerful country in the world and the UK would see the end of their reign and wealth. 10 years after WWII the UK continued to ration some foods and items. The debt to the USA was finally paid off in 2006. It doesn't feel like a SPECIAL relationship to me! West Germany was formed

What were items exchanged between the New World and Europe and what were its effects?

the items that were exchanged were your mom and she gave everybody std's haha

How did the Crusades affected the economies of Central and Western Europe?

The crusades put a strain on getting luxury and royalty items from Spain and India. However, a good affect of the crusades was that spices and clothing that were brought back made for a better trading link.

What did western tribes exchange with explorers for various other items?


What did Europe want in the access markets of Asia to sell?

Europe was not wanting to sell, but import items into Europe. They wanted the spices, gunpowder, silks, perfumes that Asia had to offer.

Why did rulers in western Europe want to find new routes to Asia?

Overland routes were very dangerous, took a long time, and often merchants didn't make it back with the items they bought. It seemed better to find other ways to Asia.