

Western Hemisphere

Geographically, the western hemisphere is half of the Earth – from the Prime Meridian (the line at 0° longitude) until the End Meridian (the International Date Line at 180° longitude). This hemisphere is composed mainly of the Americas.

1,198 Questions

Is serengeti in the north or south hemisphere?

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The Serengeti is located in the northern hemisphere, spanning across northern Tanzania and southern Kenya in East Africa.

Is the bison the largest animal in the western hemisphere?

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Yes, the bison is the largest land animal in North America, which is part of the western hemisphere. The bison can weigh over 2,000 pounds and stand up to 6 feet tall at the shoulder.

What is the smartest monkey of the western hemisphere?

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Asked by 69jesusfreak

The capuchin monkey is considered one of the smartest monkeys in the western hemisphere. They are known for their problem-solving skills, tool use, and ability to learn and adapt to their environment.

Why does the eastern hemisphere experiences daytime while the western hemisphere experiences night?

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The Earth rotates on its axis from west to east, causing the sun to appear to rise in the east and set in the west. This rotation creates the cycle of day and night as different parts of the Earth face towards or away from the sun. This is why the eastern hemisphere experiences daytime when it faces the sun and the western hemisphere experiences nighttime when it is facing away from the sun.

When it is night in the eastern hemisphere where is it day?

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When it is night in the eastern hemisphere, it is day in the western hemisphere. The Earth is divided into two hemispheres: eastern and western, with a 180-degree separation. This means that when it is night in one hemisphere, it is day in the other.

Why does matariki appear in the southern hemisphere and not in the northern hemisphere?

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Matariki is a star cluster that is visible in the southern hemisphere because of its position in the sky relative to the Earth's location. It is part of the Maori New Year celebration and holds special cultural significance for the indigenous people of New Zealand and the South Pacific region. The stars that make up Matariki are not visible in the northern hemisphere due to the Earth's position and the angle from which the stars are viewed.

How much closer to the sun is Spain than England?

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Spain is not significantly closer to the sun than England. The distance to the sun is measured in millions of kilometers, and the difference in distance between Spain and England is negligible in comparison. Any variation in temperature or climate between the two countries is due to other factors such as latitude, altitude, and proximity to bodies of water.

Why The eastern terai is cooler than the western one?

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The eastern Terai is cooler than the western Terai due to its higher elevation and greater distance from the Himalayan mountain range. The eastern Terai also receives more rainfall compared to the western Terai, which also contributes to the cooler temperatures.

Why is eastern terai is cooler than the western?

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The eastern Terai region receives more rainfall due to its proximity to the Bay of Bengal, which leads to increased cloud cover and lower temperatures. Additionally, the eastern Terai has higher elevation compared to the western Terai, which contributes to cooler temperatures.

Is antarctia found in the western hemisphere?

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No, Antarctica is located in the eastern hemisphere. It is situated primarily in the Southern Hemisphere, south of the Antarctic Circle.

Does the heaviest precipitation fall on the western or eastern slopes of the Cascades?

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I believe that would depend on the predominant direction of the wind.

What cuts the earth into an eastern and western hemisphere?

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The Prime Meridian, which runs from the North Pole to the South Pole passing through Greenwich, England, divides the Earth into the eastern and western hemispheres. Countries located to the east of the Prime Meridian are considered part of the Western Hemisphere, while those to the west are part of the Eastern Hemisphere.

Does the Rubber Boa live alone or in groups?

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Rubber Boas are solitary snakes and are typically found living alone. They are nocturnal and spend their time hunting for prey such as small mammals, birds, and reptiles. They generally do not interact socially unless during the breeding season.

Why is eastern terai cooler than western terai?

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eastern terai is cooler than western terai because weatern terai is near to sea

What are the advantages and disadvantages of earths surface?

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Advantages of Earth's surface include providing habitat for various organisms, supporting plant growth, and serving as a foundation for human activities. Disadvantages may include susceptibility to natural disasters like earthquakes and erosion, limited availability in some regions for development, and vulnerability to pollution and climate change impacts.

How many hours ahead is Ghana of The US?

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Ghana is typically 5 hours ahead of the eastern United States (EST time zone) and 8 hours ahead of the western United States (PST time zone).

What are six different proofs that the shape of the earth is a sphere?

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  1. The curvature of the horizon observed from a high altitude, such as during flights or at sea, is consistent with a spherical shape.
  2. The changing positions of constellations as one travels north or south can only be explained by a spherical Earth.
  3. Ships appearing to sink hull-first as they sail away is due to the Earth's curvature.
  4. The existence of time zones and varying lengths of daylight also support a spherical shape.
  5. The way lunar eclipses cast a round shadow on the moon is evidence of Earth's round shape.
  6. The calculation of the Earth's circumference based on measurements of shadows at different latitudes supports a spherical Earth.

Is Paris in the North Eastern or North Western hemisphere?

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Regarding Paris, France: The city is in the northern and eastern Hemispheres,

or, the northeastern 'quarter-sphere' if you will.

How is rain formed in the low latitudes?

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In low latitudes, rain is formed through the process of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation. Warm air rises near the equator, carrying moisture with it. As the air cools at higher altitudes, the moisture condenses into water droplets, forming clouds. When the droplets become too heavy, they fall as rain.

What is the area of continental usa?

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Asked by Wiki User

from Wikipedia:

The 48 states and D.C. together have an area of 3,119,884.69 square miles (8,080,464.25 km²). Of this, 2,959,064.44 sq mi (7,663,941.71 km²) is land, comprising 83.65% of U.S. land area. Officially, 160,820.25 sq mi (416,522.38 km²) is water area, comprising 62.66% of the nation's water area. Its 2000 census population was 279,583,437, comprising 99.35% of the nation's population. Its population density was 94.484 inhabitants/sq mi (36.48/km²), compared to 79.555/sq mi (30.716/km²) for the nation as a whole.

Entered into WikiAnswers Sept 9, 2009

Is Vietnam in the eastern or western hemisphere?

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Vietnam is located in the eastern hemisphere.

How natural forces might change the western hemisphere in the future?

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Natural forces such as climate change are expected to increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events in the western hemisphere, including more severe hurricanes, droughts, and wildfires. Rising sea levels due to melting ice caps could also threaten coastal regions in the western hemisphere. Additionally, shifts in ecosystems and species distributions may occur as temperatures and precipitation patterns change.

Why do some mapmakers divide the eastern and western hemispheres at 20 degrees west?

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Some mapmakers divide the eastern and western hemispheres at 20 degrees west because it coincides with the Prime Meridian, which was established by the International Meridian Conference in 1884. This line runs through Greenwich, London, and is a widely-recognized reference point for measuring longitude.

What continets are in the northern henisphere?

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North America, Europe, and Asia are continents that are primarily located in the Northern Hemisphere.

What hemisphere is larger the Eastern or Western?

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The Eastern Hemisphere is larger than the Western Hemisphere. It includes most of Asia, Australia, Africa, and Europe, while the Western Hemisphere includes North and South America.