

Four language skills

Updated: 10/10/2023
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10y ago

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it might suck to have to take a language in high school, but it is a necisity for many colleges. plus, many companies and such pay more to those who can speak more than one language, so they can act as a translator. if you are not planning to go to college or get a job, then its not needed, but can still be takenQ

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To communicate.

Communication is very important in human life.

If you for say, visit France, & you get, arrested, but no-one knows English, it will be a very tight situation.

But also if members of Another Country visit your own they should be able to communicate with you.

Chances are the environment they came from is very different.

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It allows you to communicate with people from other countries and cultures who you would otherwise be unable to communicate with. It expands your cultural knowledge and tolerance, since a vital part of learning a language is learning the culture in which it is spoken. It will increase your job opportunities, as much work is now global in scale and companies value employees who can speak other language and communicate with clients and business partners in other countries. It will make you think differently and will expand your knowledge - learning a foreign language develops a special part of the brain. You can travel more easily to places that speak the language you know, and it will be easier for you to make friends and get around there. Lastly, learning another language is fun!

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You are probably thinking of:

1. speaking;

2. listening;

3. writing;

4. reading.

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It is important so that you can understand each others.

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What are the relationships between listening reading speaking and writing?

Listening, reading, speaking, and writing are known as the four language skills. They are interconnected and support each other in language development. Listening and reading are receptive skills, while speaking and writing are productive skills. By developing all four skills, individuals can become more proficient in a language.

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