


Learning a New Language

Learning a new language can be difficult because it requires time, effort and dedication. However, this is useful if one will work, study, migrate or travel abroad. Students in some countries are also required to learn a foreign language.

535 Questions

What is the difference between teaching mother tongue and teaching of other language?

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Asked by Wiki User

The biggest difference between teaching mother tongue and

teaching of a second language in most cases is the age of the

person learning and the number of hours learning. When learning

your mother tongue you start the first day you are born and you

learn for all hours that you are awake. Teaching a second language,

you have the added benefit of having a reference point (your mother

tongue). You can learn for example that "bonjour" means "hello"

which can be very helpful to learn things quickly. When you learn

your mother tongue you learn through association only but in most

cases you spend more time learning and have more hours of

repetition which leads to inevitable fluency.

What are some good ways to learn words from another language quickly - I have my Japanese exam coming up and I need to know 20 plus words of by heart. Any ideas?

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Asked by Tellystar

  1. Create flashcards with the Japanese word on one side and the English translation on the other. Quiz yourself regularly.

  2. Write the words out multiple times to help with memorization.

  3. Practice speaking the words out loud to reinforce your memory.

  4. Use mnemonic devices or associations to help you remember the meaning of each word.

Is it possible to become fluent in a learned language within one year?

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Asked by Wiki User

Becoming fluent in a new language within one year is challenging and often depends on factors like the complexity of the language and how much time is dedicated to learning and practicing. With intensive study, immersion, and consistent practice, it is possible to achieve a good level of proficiency in one year, but fluency may take longer for most people.

How to speak Italian?

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Asked by Wiki User

To speak Italian, start by learning common phrases and greetings. Practice pronunciation and vocabulary by listening to Italian speakers or using language learning apps. Lastly, immerse yourself in the language by watching Italian movies, listening to Italian music, and chatting with native speakers.

What are the receptive macro skills?

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Asked by Denygr

The receptive macro skills are reading and listening. These skills involve understanding and interpreting information presented in written or spoken form. They are essential for comprehension and communication in a language.

What is the best curriculum an English language teaching Indonesia?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best curriculum for teaching English in Indonesia would ideally focus on developing all four language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) in an integrated manner. It should also incorporate cultural elements to make learning more engaging and relevant for students. Additionally, a communicative approach that encourages student interaction and real-life language use is recommended.

Why is it important to speak only Spanish in a Spanish classroom?

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Asked by Wiki User

Speaking only Spanish in a Spanish classroom creates an immersive environment that helps students develop their language skills more effectively. It allows for more practice and reinforcement of the language, leading to better fluency and comprehension. Additionally, it helps students to become more comfortable and confident in using Spanish in real-life situations.

Major contributions of sociolinguistics to language teaching?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sociolinguistics has helped language teaching by emphasizing the importance of context and social factors in language use. It has informed language curriculum design by highlighting the need to teach language variation and pragmatics. Sociolinguistic research has also helped teachers understand and address issues related to language attitudes and identity in the classroom.

What is the best way to learn a language?

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Asked by Wiki User

The best way to learn a language is through consistent practice, immersion in the language environment, engaging with native speakers, using language learning apps or resources, and setting specific language learning goals. Consistency and dedication are key to mastering a new language.

How do you get rid of polish accent?

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Asked by Wiki User

To reduce a Polish accent, focus on pronunciation by practicing minimal pairs (similar words that differ by one sound) and work on specific sounds that are challenging for you. Listening to native Polish speakers and imitating their speech patterns can also help improve your accent. Lastly, keep regular practice and seek feedback from a speech coach or language tutor for additional support.

What does onkey mean?

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Asked by Wiki User

"onkey" is not a common English word or term. It may be a typo or a specific term relevant to a particular context or field. Additional context would be needed to provide a more accurate response.

How do you speak without an accent?

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Asked by Wiki User

Speaking without an accent is subjective as everyone has their own regional or cultural influences on their speech. Generally, you can aim for clear articulation, proper pronunciation, and a neutral tone. Listening to and mimicking native speakers of a language can help improve your accent. Practice, language classes, or accent reduction courses can also be beneficial.

How do you improve english skills?

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Asked by Wiki User

Reading books by well-known authors is a good way to improve grammar (simply exposing yourself to the ways people use language helps you improve). Also, practice writing every day (on a blog, for instance) modeling what you notice in the books you read.

Grammar classes are rarely any good because they are acontextual and too formal; it's better to pay a tutor or teacher to read your blog and go over any mistakes with you if you make any.

Why is it bad to learn a second language?

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Asked by Wiki User

Hi there,

It's not that the kids shouldn't learn a nother languaje as much as they shouldn't learn it at an early age, this is due to the fact that , in their early years they are still learning theyr home language, so in most cases they end up mixing or confusing words, which can result in a slower learning of both languages and/or a mixed language that can be hard to understand, personally i think 9/10 years is a good age to start taking another language

I hope that's the answer you were looking for :P

What is the words for hello in the assiniboine language?

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Asked by DarrellPGardner

The Assiniboin language is called Nakona and is closely related to Lakota, Nakota and Dakota (the languages of the Sioux tribes).

In greeting someone you say Doken ya u? (how are you?), Doken ya shka? (how are you?, Dya ya u? (are you well?).

How hard is a community college Spanish 1 class if you have little experience with the language?

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Asked by Wiki User

it is relatively easy compared with other languages, its pronunciation is simple, and is a phonetic language which makes it easy to read on top of that it shares a good amount of vocabulary with English, the only thing that might give you some trouble is the grammar and conjugations since has elements that do not exist in English, in spite of that if we compared it with other languages is one of the easiest one.

How do you speak dog?

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Asked by Wiki User

People ask all the time how do you understand a dog? Well you can understand a dog just by reading their sign language. Examples are: if a do scratches on their food dish then that means they want food. Also if they whine by the door that means they have to use the bathroom. Dogs have many ways of saying or doing things to tell you something. Next time you look at your dog try to understand what he or she wants. They all have needs you know.

How do you speak moldovian?

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Asked by Wiki User

The Romanian language equivalent of Good morning is Bună ziua or Bună dimineaţa.

Is Japanese masculine and feminine?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you are asking if Japanese has grammatical gender, the answer is no.

If you're asking if the English word "Japanese" is masculine and feminine, the answer is yes (since English also has no grammatical gender, except with some pronouns).

What is the best way to learn French?

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Asked by Wiki User

The correct match of teacher, student, and learning toolis the best way to learn French. People have individualistic ways of learning languages. Some do better through intensive study of dictionaries and grammars. Others do better with language laboratories and audio visual methods. Still others do better with 'thinking on your feet'. They'd prefer immersion in conversational courses and in travel abroad.

The best way to learn a language is to surround yourself with people that speak it fluently. If you are not able to do that, just while you are talking try to say a few words you already know in french. Or maybe you should try a good manuel or take some French lessons. Try this link:

How do you speak a English?

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Asked by Wiki User

Look up pronunciation manual on YouTube. Easy and Fun!

Why is it recommended that a student learns a foreign language for a few years during high school?

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Asked by Anovia

You should learn a second language because you might go to another state and don't speak their language so learning a second language will help so you can communicate with them.

What are advantages to learning Spanish?

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Asked by Wiki User

The advantages are largely the same as learning any other language... the ability to communicate in that language. English might carry a special advantage for people who work or live in an English-speaking country, or who do business in English. The side benefits of being able to understand jokes and read great English literature are there, of course... but those exist in any language, and (depending on how well the language is mastered) sometimes are never fully realized.

How do you speak Romanian?

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Asked by Wiki User

...By learning how to speak it. Maybe try taking Greek lessons or you can go online or you can go to greek school .
A person speaks Greek by taking classes in it or by talking Greek a lot to others who do speak Greek.

How do you speak Bengali?

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Asked by Wiki User

First, like learning/speaking any language, you must learn vocalbulary and the rules that go along with it. Once the vocalbulary is learned, you then must learn the final, and sometimes most confusing part, the sentence structure. The sentence structure of a language is the order in which words/vocalbulary are placed in sentence. In Hindi, ALL subjects go first, ALL Verbs go at the end of the sentence, and everything else (adjectives, prepositions, etc.) goes in the middle of the sentence.

For example: Main khush hoon= I am happy.

"Main" (pronunced like the month, may) is the Hindi word for "I". Since "I" is the subject of the sentence, it goes first in the sentence. Next is the word "khush" (proncounced koosh), which is the Hindi word for "happy". Since it is an adjective, it goes in the middle of the sentence. Last we have "hoon". "Hoon" is the Hindi word for "am". Since "am" is a verb, it goes at the end of the sentence. This is how Hindi is spoken.