


Native American Languages

Information and translations for Native American languages. Please note each tribe has its own language, and there is no single "Native American" language.

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How do you say free spirit in the Indian language?

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How do you say chance in the oglala Sioux language?

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There is no simple word meaning "chance" but several expressions:

  • wanun mistake, by chance
  • wanuntakshni......accidentally, by chance
  • some chance
  • okini..................possibly, there is a chance
  • owekish.............might, possibly, there is a chance
  • shehanl's a chance for somebody (to succeed)
  • sehingle kinhan..........if it should chance to be

What were the names of the three main Indian tribes that inhabited South America prior to the arrival of European explorers?

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Asked by Kajeno

The three main indigenous tribes that inhabited South America before the arrival of European explorers were the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayans.

How do you say big in Cherokee?

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wa-ya e-qua (wolf big)

What is the Native American word warrior?

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There are more than 700 different Native American languages spoken in North and South America.

If you are not sure which language you are talking about, here is a partial list of the most common Native American languages in North America:

  • Abnaki, Eastern
  • Achumawi
  • Afro-Seminole Creole
  • Ahtena
  • Alabama
  • Aleut
  • Alsea
  • Angloromani
  • Apache, Jicarilla
  • Apache, Kiowa
  • Apache, Lipan
  • Apache, Mescalero-Chiricahua
  • Apache, Western
  • Arapaho
  • Arikara
  • Assiniboine
  • Atakapa
  • Atsugewi
  • Barbareño
  • Biloxi
  • Blackfoot
  • Caddo
  • Cahuilla
  • Carolina Algonquian
  • Carolinian
  • Catawba
  • Cayuga
  • Chamorro
  • Chehalis, Lower
  • Chehalis, Upper
  • Cherokee
  • Chetco
  • Cheyenne
  • Chickasaw
  • Chimariko
  • Chinook
  • Chinook Wawa
  • Chippewa
  • Chitimacha
  • Choctaw
  • Chumash
  • Clallam
  • Cocopa
  • Coeur d'Alene
  • Columbia-Wenatchi
  • Comanche
  • Coos
  • Coquille
  • Cowlitz
  • Cree, Plains
  • Crow
  • Cruzeño
  • Cupeño
  • Dakota
  • Degexit'an
  • Delaware
  • Delaware, Pidgin
  • Esselen
  • Evenki
  • Eyak
  • Galice
  • Gros Ventre
  • Gwich'in
  • Halkomelem
  • Han
  • Havasupai-Walapai-Yavapai
  • Hawai'i Creole English
  • Hawai'i Pidgin Sign Language
  • Hawaiian
  • Hidatsa
  • Ho-Chunk
  • Holikachuk
  • Hopi
  • Hupa
  • Ineseño
  • Inupiaq
  • Inupiatun, North Alaskan
  • Inupiatun, Northwest Alaska
  • Iowa-Oto
  • Jemez
  • Jingpho
  • Kalapuya
  • Kalispel-Pend D'oreille
  • Kansa
  • Karkin
  • Karok
  • Kashaya
  • Kato
  • Kawaiisu
  • Keres, Eastern
  • Keres, Western
  • Kickapoo
  • Kiowa
  • Kitsai
  • Klamath-Modoc
  • Koasati
  • Koyukon
  • Kumiai
  • Kuskokwim, Upper
  • Kutenai
  • Lakota
  • Luiseño
  • Lumbee
  • Lushootseed
  • Mahican
  • Maidu, Northeast
  • Maidu, Northwest
  • Maidu, Valley
  • Makah
  • Malecite-Passamaquoddy
  • Mandan
  • Mattole
  • Menominee
  • Meskwaki
  • Miami
  • Michif
  • Micmac
  • Mikasuki
  • Miwok, Bay
  • Miwok, Central Sierra
  • Miwok, Coast
  • Miwok, Lake
  • Miwok, Northern Sierra
  • Miwok, Plains
  • Miwok, Southern Sierra
  • Mohave
  • Mohawk
  • Mohegan-Montauk-Narragansett
  • Mokilese
  • Molale
  • Mono
  • Muskogee
  • Nanticoke
  • Natchez
  • Navajo
  • Nawathinehena
  • Nez Perce
  • Nisenan
  • Nooksack
  • Nottoway
  • Obispeño
  • Ofo
  • Ohlone, Northern
  • Ohlone, Southern
  • Okanagan
  • Omaha-Ponca
  • Oneida
  • Onondaga
  • Osage
  • Ottawa
  • Paiute, Northern
  • Pawnee
  • Piro
  • Piscataway
  • Plains Indian Sign Language
  • Pomo, Central
  • Pomo, Eastern
  • Pomo, Northeastern
  • Pomo, Northern
  • Pomo, Southeastern
  • Pomo, Southern
  • Potawatomi
  • Powhatan
  • Purepecha
  • Purisimeño
  • Quapaw
  • Quechan
  • Quileute
  • Quinault
  • Salinan
  • Salish, Southern Puget Sound
  • Salish, Straits
  • Sea Island Creole English
  • Seneca
  • Serrano
  • Shasta
  • Shawnee
  • Shoshoni
  • Siuslaw
  • Skagit
  • Snohomish
  • Spanish
  • Spokane
  • Takelma
  • Tanacross
  • Tanaina
  • Tanana, Lower
  • Tanana, Upper
  • Tenino
  • Tewa
  • Tillamook
  • Timbisha
  • Tiwa, Northern
  • Tiwa, Southern
  • Tlingit
  • Tohono O'odham
  • Tolowa
  • Tonkawa
  • Tsimshian
  • Tübatulabal
  • Tunica
  • Tuscarora
  • Tutelo
  • Tututni
  • Twana
  • Umatilla
  • Unami
  • Ute-Southern Paiute
  • Ventureño
  • Wailaki
  • Walla Walla
  • Wampanoag
  • Wappo
  • Wasco-Wishram
  • Washo
  • Wichita
  • Wintu
  • Wiyot
  • Wyandot
  • Yakima
  • Yaqui
  • Yokuts
  • Yuchi
  • Yuki
  • Yupik, Central
  • Yupik, Central Siberian
  • Yupik, Pacific Gulf
  • Yurok
  • Zuni

What is the theme of the movie 3 idiot?

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3 Idiots is a coming of age comedy that deals with two friends reliving their own college days and are looking for their friend that helped them get through that time. It is a very nostalgic film that deals with the theme of getting older physically and age wise, but not necessarily growing old in regards to one's values or maturity.

Do you use 1th instead of 1st?

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No, the correct ordinal form for "1st" is "1st" and not "1th."

What are some modoc words?

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A few words in the Modoc language, which is no longer spoken today:

moowat'aakknii.............people from the south (the Modoc name for themselves)



waq lis ' are you

maqlaqs geeni...............Indian land







What is the native word for love?

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There are more than 700 different Native American languages spoken in North and South America. You will have to be more specific. If you are not sure which language you are talking about, here is a partial list of the most common Native American languages in North America:

  • Abnaki, Eastern
  • Achumawi
  • Afro-Seminole Creole
  • Ahtena
  • Alabama
  • Aleut
  • Alsea
  • Angloromani
  • Apache, Jicarilla
  • Apache, Kiowa
  • Apache, Lipan
  • Apache, Mescalero-Chiricahua
  • Apache, Western
  • Arapaho
  • Arikara
  • Assiniboine
  • Atakapa
  • Atsugewi
  • Barbare

Who is Arturo Rotor for dahong palay?

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sebio - is a thin and weak


tia binay -



milio, kiko, anita, tonio, pacio- is assigned tia binay's to each place.

nanay - the mother of sebio



What is the author or story name about a native American boy whose father leaves him blindfolded and alone on a tree stump overnight as a test of boys courage and boy doesn't know dad was with him?

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The story you are referring to is "The Talking Eggs" by Robert D. San Souci. It is a retelling of a Creole folktale in which a young girl named Blanche is rewarded for her kindness towards an old woman by receiving magical eggs that help her escape her cruel family.

How do you say Midnight in Cherokee?

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In Cherokee, you would say "Asgaya digalvwisdanehi."

What does the Indian word nkweniss mean in The Sign of the Beaver?

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"nkweniss" is not an Indian word in The Sign of the Beaver. It seems to be a typo or an error. The book is set in Maine among the Penobscot Indians, so if you provide the correct term, I can help you with its meaning.

What is the 7 songs of ibong adarna?

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The seven songs in the Filipino epic "Ibong Adarna" are titled "Aladdin," "Manila," "Alibaba," "Rachmaninoff," "Brahms," "Ravel," and "Rachmaninoff and Brahms." These songs were written by National Artist for Music, Lucio San Pedro, to accompany the mythical bird's song.

What is the Native American word for Tiffany?

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North American tribes would not have had any use or want for the word "Tiffany." We concentrate on Mother Earth and all things living within it from our Creator. Any modern day word, especially one that represents materialism or a status symbol, would not exist in an indigenous language except as a generality (perhaps as a useless or excessive item). There could be a combination of words but it could become complicated-and it would not mean "Tiffany." It would mean something like "White Man's excessive need to show off his wealth."

If one is named "Tiffany" the pronunciation can be altered to "fit" a language so to speak--but it is still a foreign word to any indigenous language.

What is the Lakota word for moose?

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Mukwa, Muckwa, Muckwah, Mukwah, or however you choose to spell it means "Big Bear".



The Lakota word for a bear is mato [pronounced mah-to].

The first answer gives the general Algonquin word for bear (not "big bear" as incorrectly stated) - makwa and variations: Shawnee m'kwah, Ojibwe mukkwah, Cree musquoi, Pequot maikwa, Narraganset maske.

Lakota is a Siouan language, not an Algonquian one.

What does Canada mean in Indian language?

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"Canada" does not have a specific meaning in an Indian language as it is a proper noun and the name of a country. However, different Indian languages may have different phonetic versions to refer to Canada. For example, in Hindi, it is commonly referred to as "Kanada."

How do you say you're cute in any native American language?

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There isn't a single Native American language, as there are hundreds of distinct indigenous languages spoken across the Americas. To say "you're cute" in a specific Native American language, you would need to specify which language you are referring to.

What is the lakota word for abundance?

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Abundance is an English term synonymous with "plenty" or "profusion". Lakota has the equivalent term ichakizeshniyan, meaning literally "not suffering the lack of anything" = having plenty or having abundance.

The Lakota word ota means many, much, a lot, plentiful; waota means many things, plentiful things.

What is the words for hello in the assiniboine language?

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Asked by DarrellPGardner

The Assiniboin language is called Nakona and is closely related to Lakota, Nakota and Dakota (the languages of the Sioux tribes).

In greeting someone you say Doken ya u? (how are you?), Doken ya shka? (how are you?, Dya ya u? (are you well?).

How do you say snake in Seneca language?

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The Seneca word for a garter snake is shano:ya:ene'

The word for a blacksnake is shaya'tes

The word for a green snake is ukeu'tsa'kéá'

The word for a rattlesnake is uhsikwêôt

The word for a water snake is hanôtö

The general term for snake is ushaista'

What is the native American word for leopard?

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"Native American" refers to all the native peoples of the Americas, from Alaska and the Arctic Circle to southernmost tip of South America; there were many thousands of languages spoken historically by these people and a huge number of words for "bear". In addition, many tribes had specific terms for black bear, brown bear, grizzly bear and so on.

Just a few examples meaning "bear" in general unless otherwise stated:

Inuktituk (Eskimo)......................nanuq (polar bear)

Aleut...........................................tanĝaaĝim (polar bear)




Natick..........................................mosq, masq, mashq or moshq

Delaware (Lenape)......................mak'hk or machk






Blackfoot......................................kiaayo, kyai, kaiyi


Arapaho.......................................nóókox or wox (bear); nonóókunéseet (grizzly)

Cayuga........................................gahnyagwaidagęt (polar bear), hnyagwai (bear)







Kalispel (Flathead).........................smgeichen (grizzly)







Arikara (Sanish).............................kuúNUx

Yakama (Sahaptin)........................anahoy

Aztec (Nahuatl)..............................tecuanotl (black bear)

What Native American words start with the letter y?

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There are hundreds of different Native American languages.

Some 'Native American' words that start with the letter Y are:


yein = four

yoo3on = five


yamni = three


yvnnvsh = buffalo/bison

Muskogee Creek:

Yvhiketv = sing

yvnvsv = buffalo/bison

yvnvwv = cheek

yopo = nose


Yiyą = eat

Yoo'į = see

Yidiists'a' = hear


yöngösona = turtle


yeka = nose

What is the Lakota translation for Wind in his hair?

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Pȟehíŋ Otȟáte (see movie "Dance With Wolves" for reference).