


Cherokee Indians

Historical and modern questions about the Cherokee tribe of Native Americans.

2,058 Questions

What type of clothes do Indians wear?

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In india, there are many types of women cloths are available which you can use but before buy and wear a cloth you have to see which occasion you have to choose and which festival and function you can get and choose. If

First man on the moon?

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Sputnik 1 was the first man-made lunar satellite to be successfully launched into space. It was developed and controlled by the Soviet Union. The launch of Sputnik 1 is considered the beginning of the space age and of the "space race" between the US and the USSR.

What is Cherokee geography?

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Cherokee geography primarily encompasses the southeastern United States, including present-day North Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, and South Carolina. The Cherokee Nation historically inhabited a diverse landscape of mountains, valleys, rivers, and forests, which influenced their culture, economy, and way of life. Today, the Cherokee people retain strong ties to their ancestral lands through cultural heritage and land stewardship efforts.

What is the Cherokees climate?

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The Cherokee region experiences a humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot, humid summers and mild, cool winters. Precipitation is fairly evenly distributed throughout the year, with some variation in rainfall amounts depending on the location within the region.

What was the climate like for the Chumash tribe?

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Because the Chumash were native to the coast region of California, the weather was generally mild and warm.

Why did Indians use obsidian to make arrowheads?

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Indians used obsidian to make arrowheads because it is a naturally occurring volcanic glass that is very sharp and easy to shape. This made it an ideal material for crafting arrowheads that were effective for hunting and warfare. Additionally, obsidian is readily available in certain regions, making it a practical choice for indigenous communities.

What do these letters mean GWYA DBP on Cherokee registration card?

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These letters stand for "Gadugi Waya Datsi Binehilvi Ayeli," which is Cherokee for "We are one people, united forever."

''What did the Cherokees do with the Buffalo?

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The Cherokees hunted buffalo for food, using the meat for sustenance and the hides for clothing and shelter. Buffalo played a significant role in their daily lives, providing them with essential resources for survival.

How do you say Midnight in Cherokee?

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In Cherokee, you would say "Asgaya digalvwisdanehi."

What is the Cherokee name for life giver?

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The Cherokee name for "life giver" is ᎠᏂᏔᏂᏏᏂ (Anitanvsi).

Who is the god of death in Cherokee culture?

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In Cherokee culture, there is no specific god of death. The Cherokee have a complex belief system that includes numerous deities and spirits, but there is no single deity solely responsible for overseeing death or the afterlife. Death is often viewed as a natural part of life, and the Cherokee have extensive rituals and ceremonies associated with honoring and remembering the deceased.

What is the Cherokee Indian translation for Rain Pebble?

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The Cherokee Indian translation for "Rain Pebble" is not a direct translation, as the Cherokee language does not have specific words for "rain" and "pebble." However, you can express the concept of "rain pebble" by saying "ugista tsunsdi," which means "rain stone" or "stone that is wet from rain" in Cherokee.

What was discovered on Cherokee land?

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It is difficult to provide a specific answer without more context. Cherokee land is home to a rich history and culture, and various discoveries have been made on Cherokee land over the years. These may include archaeological sites, artifacts, and insights into Cherokee history and traditions. It is important to respect and honor the sovereignty and spiritual significance of Cherokee land and its discoveries.

How do you say chey chey in Cherokee?

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In Cherokee, "thank you" is said as "wado."

Can you move in with a friend at age 16?

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if u get enmansapated (legally devorced from your parents) by a court of law. the chances of the court granting this to u r very slim however. they only do it in the most extream situations, and u have to have proof that you can support yourself.

What role did great Britain play in the conflict between the US and American Indians on the westren frontier?

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Asked by Nanibi

Great Britain played an important role in the conflict between the United States and American Indians on the western frontier. They had a strong presence in the region and sought to maintain their power and influence in North America. In the late 1700s Great Britain signed several treaties with some of the Native American tribes such as the Iroquois and Delaware Nations in which they promised to protect these communities from US expansion. As the US continued to establish new settlements often in violation of these treaties Great Britain sought to mediate the conflict and protect their Native allies. In some cases British soldiers were dispatched to the western frontier to protect Native American lands and support their sovereignty.

Great Britain also provided support to the Native Americans in other ways. They supplied weapons ammunition and other supplies to the tribes and provided them with access to the British trading networks. In addition the British Crown offered refuge to some of the Native American leaders such as the Shawnee chief Tecumseh and provided a safe haven for them to organize and plan their resistance to US expansion.

Which country wear Turbans?

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Middle easterners wear turbans.

The Middle Easterners that wear turbans are from North Africa, Kurdistan, and the Persian Gulf.

What are the living conditions in Thailand?

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the living conditions in Thailand are so cheesy and carroty

What are Georgia's Indian tribes?

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The Apalachee Indians

The Cherokee Indians

The Hitchiti, Oconee and Miccosukee Indians

The Muskogee Creek Indians

The Timucua Indians

The Yamasee and Guale Indians Thats all!!! - Mr.J's 8th grade history class!!! ;)

What native Americans tribes were found in Alabama?

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* Alabama or Alibamu. * Cherokee. * Chickasaw. * Choctaw. * Creek. * Kosati. * Mobile.

Where did Cherokee Indians live in the 1700's?

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Cherokee lived mainly throughout the southern and south central area of what is now the united states. That is not to say that is the only place they were located, bands of Cherokee were spread out over a vast area east of the 'plains' and often intermingled with other tribes.

What was the trial of tears?

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It was a march in which the United States Government forced Native Americans to relocate approximately 1500 miles from their homes. Approximately 1/3 of the Native Americans on the march died due to the elements and lack of food and water. Native American tribes that moved later settled in Oklahoma, Texas and other western states.

Why were these Native Americans relocated? Why at this time in history? What were their options if they did not want to move? Was this a federal mandated relocation? How did the idea of relocating these people originate? Who opposed this? What were the advantages and disadvantages for the Native Americans who made this move? An unbiased research project should answer these questions and initiate additional questions.

Who invented the Cherokee alphabet?

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sequoyah a Cherokee Indian made the Cherokee alphabet

What does the name Marian mean in native?

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Nothing, since there is no correlation between English names and native American names. The name Marian, also spelled Marion or Marianne, is originally a version of Mary and was commonly used by the Norman invaders in England.