


Extended Family

Relatives outside of an immediate family (mother, father, brother, sister) are part of an extended family. Extended family relationships include: grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws among many others. Ask questions here about how a person is related to their extended family (ex: How is your brother's mother-in-law related to you?)

2,559 Questions

What are daughter molecules?

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Daughter molecules are the molecules produced from the splitting of a larger molecule, such as during cellular division or replication. This term is commonly used in reference to DNA replication, where two identical daughter DNA molecules are generated from one parent DNA molecule.

Can first cousins have same DNA if child is tested with one cousin and test comes back 99.60 is it possible that the other cousin can test higher than that or be more accurate than 99.60?

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Yes, first cousins share about 12.5% of their DNA, so it is possible for them to have the same DNA. If one cousin tested with a child comes back with 99.60% shared DNA, it is unlikely for the other cousin's test to be more accurate or show a higher percentage of shared DNA, as 99.60% is already a high percentage indicating a close genetic relationship.

Token Test for Children - Second Edition TTFC 2?

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The Token Test for Children - Second Edition (TTFC 2) is a standardized test used to assess children's language and auditory comprehension skills. It typically involves tasks where children listen to instructions and then demonstrate their understanding by performing specific actions with tokens or objects. Results from this test can help identify language impairments and guide intervention planning.

What are the disadvantages of living in an extended family?

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Disadvantages of living in an extended family can include lack of privacy, conflicts over decision-making, financial strain from supporting multiple family members, and difficulty in maintaining boundaries between different generations.

What are the functions of the extended family?

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Extended families provide emotional support, share resources and responsibilities, pass down traditions and cultural values, and help with childcare and eldercare. They also serve as a network for socializing and building connections within the community.

What are the Advantages and disadvantages of an extended family?

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Advantages of an extended family include strong support system, sharing responsibilities, and preservation of cultural traditions. Disadvantages can include conflicts over decision-making, lack of privacy, and difficulty in coordinating schedules.

Why do they call Allison the wife of bath?

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Allison is called the Wife of Bath because she hails from Bath, a city in England. In Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales," she is known for her outspoken nature, multiple marriages, and her proclivity for telling stories about marriage and love.

What is my granddaughter's husband called in relation to me?

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My daughter's husband is my son-in-law, so is my granddaughter's husband my grandson-in-law?


Can you call your father's sister a paternal aunt?

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Paternal/Maternal is the adjective for father/mother.

Aunt is the sibling of your father or mother.

If the generations are removed by one, to your grandparants.

Then The aunt becomes as sister to your grandparents, ' Paterna;/Matermal GREAT Aunt.

Similarly for Uncle. (The corresponding make relative.

What do you call your sister's daughter?

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You are either her aunt or uncle depending upon your gender, and she is your niece.

What is my aunts daughter's daughter called?

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Your aunt's daughter would be your cousin. If you are related to your aunt by marriage and not blood, then her daughter could be considered your step-cousin.

What is my father's sister' daughter's daughter called?

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Your father's sister is your aunt.

Your aunt's daughter is your first cousin.

Your first cousin's daughter is your first cousin, once removed.

Was Nimrod the grandson of Noah?

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No, Nimrod was not the grandson of Noah. According to the Bible, Nimrod was the great-grandson of Noah through his son Ham.

How do you say niece in Swiss?

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There's actually no such language as Swiss. Switzerland has 4 official languages: German, French, Italian, and Romansh. Please specify which language you want to translate into.

What are the names of mattybs cousins?

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MattyB's cousins are Joshua and Sarah.

Is aunt baba fathers younger sister?

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Yes, usually an aunt is the sibling of one of your parents. If aunt Baba is your father's sister, then she would be his younger sister.

Who is bobolinks cousin?

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The cousin of the bobolink is the meadowlark.

What relation are you if your gran and your cousins dad are brother and sister. Are we second cousins or first cousin once removed?

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You would be first cousins once removed. Your gran and your cousins' dad being siblings makes you and your cousins' dad first cousins. The "once removed" part comes from the generational difference between you and your cousins' dad.

What is a modern extended family?

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A modern extended family refers to a family structure that includes relatives beyond the immediate family, such as grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and close family friends. This type of family often plays an important role in providing emotional and practical support, childcare, and maintaining strong connections between relatives. It is characterized by a network of close and supportive relationships that extend beyond the nuclear family.

What should i do if my girlfriend lives with her grandmother and the grandmother wont let me see her?

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If the grandmother is not allowing you to see your girlfriend, it's important to respect her decision. It might be helpful to have a conversation with your girlfriend and her grandmother to understand the reasons behind the decision and find a solution that works for everyone involved. Patience and open communication are key in resolving these types of conflicts.

Do i have to respact my aunt that is younger then me?

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Respecting others should not depend on their age, but rather on their character and the way they treat others. It is generally expected to show respect to family members, regardless of their age. However, respect should be mutual and earned, so if your younger aunt does not respect you or others, it may be difficult for you to feel obligated to respect her.

Is your first cousin an aunt to your children?

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No, a first cousin is not an aunt to your children. Aunts are siblings of a parent, whereas first cousins are children of a parent's sibling.

What is your aunts granddaughter to you?

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Your aunt's granddaughter is your first cousin once removed.

Would your nephew be related to your 1st cousin and what would he be to her?

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Your nephew is your brother's or your sister's son. Your first cousin is also your brother's and your sister's first cousin. Your nephew and your first cousin are therefore first cousins, once removed, to each other. If your first cousin has a child, that child and your nephew are second cousins to each other.

What is the name of pevensies incorrigible cousin?

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The name of the Pevensie's incorrigible cousin is Eustace Scrubb.