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Q: France was better off with Robespierre and the radical Jacobin's in charge or Napoleon?
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Who is Jacobin?

Jacobin is not a person; rather, the Jacobins were a radical political club that evolved during revolutionary France. It was lead by Parisian members of the Third Estate. The most notable Jacobin, Maximilien Robespierre, instituted the Reign of Terror.

The Reign of Terror is associated with who?

Maximilien Robespierre was the architect of the Reign of Terror. Marie Antoinette was its most famous victim.With France, Robespierre, Jacobins and the Committee of Public Safety during the French Revolution. from the summer of 1792 for the next 13 months.

What was napoleon the leader of?

France, after the Reign of Terror led by Maximilien Robespierre.

Was Robespierre a philosopher?

Robespierre was one of the leaders of the French Revolution. The revolt began in 1789 and gave rise to a group of radicals called Jacobins. Robespierre was a member of this group and it can be said that he was a political philosopher. His core beliefs, and those of the Jacobins, was that they placed themselves as the leaders of the poor working classes of the cities in France. These people had no representation until the Jacobins saw their need for a say in French politics. The Jacobins were opposed to a monarchy and the bourgeoisie. They sought a republic dominated by the working classes.

Who initiated the Reign of Terror?

Maximilien Robespierre gets that dubious honor as the Deputy of the Committee of Public Safety.this was part of the French Revolution after the death of Louis XV1 in 1793. Terror was the order of the day in the words of Maximilien Robespierre who led the Terror. Accross France 30,000 lost their livesthis was part of the French Revolution after the death of Louis XV1 in 1793. Terror was the order of the day in the words of Maximilien Robespierre who led the Terror. Accross France 30,000 lost their lives

Who was robespiere?

Robespiere is the leader of a radical revolutionaries, the Jacobins. Robespierre used terror to rule France. It is called the Reign of Terror(1793-1794). They arrested and executed many people who were suspected of being against the revolution.

How did Jacobins try to wipe out the old order?

When the Jacobins came to power in revolutionary France, they decided to dechristianize many aspects of French life by implementing a new calendar based on the chronology of the revolution. The Jacobins who were led by Robespierre also implemented the cult of the supreme being as an attempt to further dechristianize France. They also initaited the so called Reign of Terror with mass executions of aristocrats and others considered to be enemies of the revolution. Even moderate revolutionaries who favoured a constitutional monarchy were not spared since the Jacobins were instrumental in abolishing the monarchy. Lastly, they, including Robespierre, voted for the execution of Louis XVI as a traitor to France officialy ending the monarchy.

The government that emerged in France after Robespierre's fall from power was the?

The Directorate (5 members). This became the Consulate (with Napoleon as First Consul), and then the Empire.

Did the Jacobins abolish slavery?

Yes they did because they worried an revolt in Haiti will happen so to clam the slaves and to keep France sugar planting colony they abolished slavery in the 1790s

Who was the leader of the 'sans culottes' in France?

They were most often leaderless but Jacques Rene Hebert is often named as having some control over them in the Revolution. In general they supported the Jacobins and Robespierre.

Robespierre’s rule in France was known as the “Reign of Terror” because?

his ultra-radical views led to the execution of thousands of French citizens.

Why did Jacobins such as Maximilien de Robespierre argue that France's king and queen needed to be executed?

Jacobins such as Maximilien de Robespierre argued that France's king and queen needed to be executed to protect political changes; i.e. to avoid a return to absolute monarchy. Apex: To protect the political changes made during the French Revolution