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Q: French nobles who fled France at the start of the French Revolution?
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Did napoleon start the french revolution?

No, Napolean did not start the French Revolution, he came after.

Why did the french revolution get called its name?

the origin of the word "revolution" stem from the latin "volvere", to roll (think revolve) = prefix "re" meaning again. This is a new start. As it took place in France, that was the French revolution. QOD:)

What happened at the start of the French Revolution?

France was having a financial crisis. Bread prices were high and starvation was a real possibility.

What are history words that start with f?

The French Revolution was a revolutionary movement in France. It occurred during the period 1789- 1799.

What time did the french revolution start?

The French revolution formally started in 1789

What were the Cahiers?

The Cahiers were a list of issues and grievances which were issued by estates in France. The Chaiers were released shortly before the start of the French Revolution.

What were the French Estates-General for the Third Estate attempting to do when they took the Tennis Court Oath in 1789 at the start of the French Revolution?

They were drawing a line in the sand that the Nobles and Clergy could understand, The Ancient Regime was over and the people were there to stay.

Where did french language start?

Before the French Revolution, what is now france, was inhabited by celtic-speakers. Afterwards, the people of France started to gain influences from the Roman empire, such as Spanish, French, Portuguese, italien, etc. Thus creating the Romance Languages.

What year did The France revolution start?


What is the French Revolution prison known as?

The Storming of the Bastille marks the start of the French Revolution.

Who did Napoleon Bonapate take France from?

napoleon didn't take France from anyone but was appointed dictator a few years after king Louis 14th was executed by guillotine at the start of the French revolution.

What event of the French Revolution occured first in the French Revolution?

The historical start of the French Revolution was the Storming of the Bastille on 14 July 1789.