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Q: Frictional forces always act to and motion?
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The two types of frictional forces that act to prevent or slow motion are?

static and kinetic (apex) =^)

In newton's 3rd law of motion how many forces always act at once?

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Is a body in motion stays in motion?

That depends. If no forces act on the object, it will. If forces do act on the objects, such forces may change the object's velocity.

What does friction always act in?

Friction always acts in the opposite direction to that of the motion of the other object. Meaning, friction slows down the motion of an object by exerting opposing forces on it.

What force act upon a glider in flight?

The forces acting on a flying ball are:1. The frictional force exerted by air on the motion of the ball.2. The gravitational force of the earth, of course.

What is the difference between Static and Kinetic Friction?

Between any two body surfaces in contact there acts an frictional force. A friction can operate between a given pair of solids, between a solid and fluid or between a pair of fluids. There are two types of frictional forces : kinetic and static friction. When two bodies in contact move with respect to each other , rubbing the surfaces in contact the friction between them is called kinetic friction. The directions of frictional forces are such that it opposes the relative motion. Friction forces can also act between two bodies which are in contact but not moving or sliding with respect to each other. The friction in such case is static friction.

Friction ask in the opposite direction of?

Frictional force must always act in opposite directions

Newton's law of motion- states that forces always act in equal but opposite pairs?

Yep. But this is Newton's THIRD law of motion. He actually came up with three laws of motion that we use today.1: An object in motion will remain in motion and an object at rest will remain at rest unless acted upon by another force.2: An object acted upon by a force will accelerate in the direction of that force.3: Forces always act in equal but opposite pairs.-(Basic definitions!)-

How many forces act on a ship?

Weight. Air resistance. Upthrust. Driving force. Frictional force on ship due to water.

In which direction does friction act?

Friction always acts in the opposite direction to that of the motion of the other object. Meaning, friction slows down the motion of an object by exerting opposing forces on it.

What forces act on cheetahs in motion?

gravity, friction and air resistance

What direction does friction act in to an object's direction of motion?

Friction will always act in the direction opposite of the relativistic motion of two objects. If object A is moving to the right on object B, then object A will experience the friction to the left. However, object B will be moving to the left on object A and will therefore experience the friction acting towards the right.