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Q: Fried cornmeal bread in colonial times?
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What is fried cornmeal bread called in colonial times?

Some cornmeal breads are referred to as:JohnnycakesPoneSpoon BreadPlease refer to the related link for a list of the recipes.

Was corn bread staple in the colonial times?

i learn so yes kfjfhgf ;

In colonial times how did the people save their bread's yeast?

In colonial times people saved their breads yeast by putting the bread on the window sill to collect the natural yeast from the air. They also collected or made their yeast from sourdough.

What did they eat in the colonial times?

They ate unleavened bread or dampers. It was cooked on hot coals or in a frying pan.

The bushmen in colonial times ate unleavened bread or it was cooked on hot coals or in a frying pan?


What food did the South Carolinians eat in the colonial times?

The colonial people ate bread, cheese and all kinds of meat relayed foods like beef and pork

What do millers do in colonial times?

A miller turned grain into flour. They made bread and other whole wheat goods. They also make other people's jobs easier.

Why was wheat important in New York Colonial times?

because it was an easy grain to grow in that area and they could plant a lot of it and produce bread and flour from it.

When was Colonial Times created?

Colonial Times was created in 1825.

What does a colonial haberdasher do?

what is a haberdasher in colonial times

Instruments in the colonial times?

flutes and horns and drums were common in the colonial times

How do you store clams in cornmeal?

Fresh water and approx. 2tsp of salt with 2 tbsp of cornmeal every 1/2 hour for 2-3 times. That is to rinse the sand out.